Have I already used that title for a post? I don't think so, I haven't called the seedy little shit we have for a premier Hitler yet. I think. Oh, well, I'm not a real believer in Godwin's law anyway, so fuck it. You don't like me likening him to a fascist, maybe he shouldn't act like one. Fuck off out of the country and have his henchmen ram one of the greatest tax hikes in provincial history through by procedural manouvre? And then have the sheer unmitigated fucking gall to tell us how good it's going to be for us? Fuck off Dalton. May I call you Dalton? I know in polite company you don't call a man by his first name unless he asks you to, but, well, I'm not feeling very polite, so fuck it, and fuck you, Dalton.
Anyway, the corrupt little fuck is off pissing our tax dollars away on a junket to India. I guess protocol required he take his fingers out of his ears and stop screaming, "La la la la, I can't hear you objecting to the HST, la la la la" At least long enough to say, "Fuck off taxpayers, I'll do what I want, I'm a Liberal with a majority government." I quote from memory.
Seriously, though, the incompetent, functional retard said basically that, although he phrased it more along the lines of, "We're going to bring in the HST because a modern Ontario needs a modern tax system, and this will help make us competitive going forward." Umm, dickhead, how, exactly? And feel free to use one syllable words, since, well, that's all your stunted intellect can handle, anyway.
If we're lucky, we're just easing out of a really bad recession. Raising taxes is one REALLY good way to take a fragile recovery and guarantee that it's merely the upswing of a double dip recession. Jeebus, this jackass has the "How to turn a cyclic recession into a major depression" handbook, and he's running it step by step.
Idiotic spending and borrowing levels. Check.
Major new spending initiatives. Check.
Disappear money down the corruptocrat rat hole. Check.
Raise taxes. Check.
Great, zippy, just fucking great. Mrs. Fulminandrew and I are doing okay. Not great, but okay; we're making it through, but this extra thousand bucks you're going to hoover out of our pockets is going to hurt. I can't imagine what it's going to do to the poor bastards on EI, fixed income, pensions, or scraping by paycheck to paycheck.
They say you get the government you deserve. That's bullshit. The stupid fuckers who voted Liberal and NDP get the government they deserve. What the fuck did I, and all the other actually productive residents of Ontario, do to deserve the Dalton McGuinty BOHICA treatment? They got the govt they deserve, but they're taking my anus along for the ride, and I really, really don't fucking appreciate it.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
We're Number 29, We're Number 29...
Yes, dear reader, the Maple Pucks managed to squeeze out a win against the Islanders. Woo hoo, they've managed to scrape and claw their way to within one point of 28th place. Yes, after their vaunted points in, what, 8 of the last 10 games they've moved up from a tenuous hold on 29th to having an absolute LOCK on 29th place. Yay.
One point to a three way tie for 26th, 2 points to a 5 way tie for 21st and, god help me, only 5 points out of a playoff spot. Seriously? 3 more wins and they could (theoretically, if not practically) be sitting in a playoff position. Be still my heart.
But, on the off chance a Leaf fan is reading this, let's keep it real. I wrote that they'd have a decent shot at the playoffs this year, although would not be a shoo in, and an early exit. Hey, all I want is for Boston's first round "Kessel" pick not be in the top 5. It's not that I have anything in particular against Boston, it's not even that I have anything in particular against Boston fans. Hell, it's not that I have anything in particular against the die hard Maple Puck heads (dumb though they are). It's just that I can't stand the die hard Leaf haters. I. Just. Can't. Fucking. Stand. Them.
Look, assholes, we all know the Leafs suck. We all know the organization will turn a profit no matter what. And we all know the reasons for it (which I will not go into here). We also know you hate the Leafs, and no, excepting the real morons, we are not planning the parade route. So shut the fuck up already. They're playing reasonably well, they're entertaining to watch, and they generally aren't stinking up the joint. So, seriously, shut the fuck up and let us enjoy the game.
One point to a three way tie for 26th, 2 points to a 5 way tie for 21st and, god help me, only 5 points out of a playoff spot. Seriously? 3 more wins and they could (theoretically, if not practically) be sitting in a playoff position. Be still my heart.
But, on the off chance a Leaf fan is reading this, let's keep it real. I wrote that they'd have a decent shot at the playoffs this year, although would not be a shoo in, and an early exit. Hey, all I want is for Boston's first round "Kessel" pick not be in the top 5. It's not that I have anything in particular against Boston, it's not even that I have anything in particular against Boston fans. Hell, it's not that I have anything in particular against the die hard Maple Puck heads (dumb though they are). It's just that I can't stand the die hard Leaf haters. I. Just. Can't. Fucking. Stand. Them.
Look, assholes, we all know the Leafs suck. We all know the organization will turn a profit no matter what. And we all know the reasons for it (which I will not go into here). We also know you hate the Leafs, and no, excepting the real morons, we are not planning the parade route. So shut the fuck up already. They're playing reasonably well, they're entertaining to watch, and they generally aren't stinking up the joint. So, seriously, shut the fuck up and let us enjoy the game.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Why Canada Sucks, Marc Lepine Memorial Day Edition
How on earth did I miss it. I posted a bunch of the usual random nonsense yesterday, and yet managed to miss Gamil Garbi Memorial Day. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's not what the hed says, it says "Marc Lepine" Memorial Day. That's only because the M(uslim) S(ucking) M(edia) has been whitewashing mooselimb violence a lot longer than since 9-11. He was born Gamil Garbi and self identified as a Muslim, and I'm damned if I'm going to fall into the femifister narrative and call him Lepine.
Reading Cathy Schaidle I found out that, a mere 20 years later, 7 years after Mark Steyn first noted it, the M(oronically) S(tupid) M(edia) has dipped its big toe in the pool, noting that Garbi was raised by a Muslim. Not, mind you, as Steyn puts it a bit more accurately:
What are they? Let's hearken back to here, and start with, we're a nation of pussies. Garbi walked in the door and ordered the men out. Out they went, and the shooting began. Anyone go back? Come on, you all know the story, it's told about 68 billion times every "never hear the end of it month" (thank you for that one Cathy Schaidle, I bloody love it); no one went back, the "rampage" ended when Garbi killed himself.
So, we're a nation of pussies. A fundamental precept of our society used to be "women and children first." Thanks to the late, unlamented and never to be sufficiently cursed Pierre Fucking Eliot Fucking Trudeau (I don't really know how much can truly be laid at his feet, I just like typing the phrase, and what the hell, the arrogant prick was responsible for so much of the ruination of this country that it just seems appropriate), and 40 years of total state mandated pussification, the women got thrown under the bus. Any society which does not seek to protect the women and children at the expense of the men is doomed. So, how's that for an implication of Gamil Garbi Memorial Day? It exposes a major fault which dooms us.
What else? Who got killed? The women. Why? Because the men were pussies. Why? Because we've pussified our society. At whose behest? The women. Holy "be careful what you wish for, Feminazis, you might just get it." The annoying "all men are rapists" crowd has pushed for the castration of the western male for my entire lifetime. Well, bitches, you got it. How do you like the taste? Ooooh, if I actually had readers, I'd probably catch me some shit for that one.
Let's look at that some more. Garbi's complaint was that the feminists were keeping him down.
Used to was that engineering was a man's profession. Used to was that nursing was a woman's profession. The "sex barrier" in one of these has suffered a full frontal assault from the forces of stupidity, going back to before I went to university. Hmmm, I wonder if there was actual merit in his claim that the feminists were keeping him down. Nah, the fact that he was dumber than Obama was what was keeping him down, but having been raised as he was, and seeing that women get preferential admissions to university, and especially engineering (which he wanted to attend) gave him his battle cry.
Lesson to be learned? None. Sexist admissions policies are unfair, unjust and an abrogation of the natural rights of man, but they don't justify mass murder, and we shouldn't be taking Garbi's excuse at face value anyway. The man was a fucking psycho, raised to hate women, and a fucking 'tard to boot. There's your lesson, psychos are psychos.
And that means you, too, fisters. His "the feminists are keeping me down" rhetoric is not a club you can use to beat all men. Which is actually a good lesson to take from this, to wit, don't blame classes of people for the acts of individuals. Of course, the fister 'tards aren't going to learn that particular lesson. They'd have to have actual brain cells for that.
So, why use this for a "Why Canada Sucks" post? What was the response to Garbi's rampage? Well, we lower the flags to half mast in his honour. We've implemented more male pussification and done so more aggressively. We've got more gun control (and every day I seem to read about another shooting in Toronto. How's that 2 billion dollar gun registry working out for ya?). And we've got ever more endless rhetoric about how awful men are.
Yes, because the son of a woman hatin' wife beater turned out to be a woman hater, I must self-flaggelate every Dec. 6 to purge the original sin of having a penis. Guess what, I ain't gonna. Real men don't beat women, and I'm not going to apologize for having testicles just because someone with testicles did something bad. Instead, I'm going to insist, starting on this 20th anniversary, that the Feminazi fister retards start apologizing for the castration of the Canadian male, and begging forgiveness for being the root cause of the Ecole Polytechnique massacre.
Oh, and if you're still with me to this point, why do I call it Marc Lepine Memorial Day? Name one of his victims. They've disappeared from the narrative, and all that's left is Garbi (in his French Canadian form). And the Feminazi fister retards can also start apologizing for that.
Reading Cathy Schaidle I found out that, a mere 20 years later, 7 years after Mark Steyn first noted it, the M(oronically) S(tupid) M(edia) has dipped its big toe in the pool, noting that Garbi was raised by a Muslim. Not, mind you, as Steyn puts it a bit more accurately:
M. Lepine was born Gamil Gharbi, the son of an Algerian Muslim wife-beater, whose brutalized spouse told the court at their divorce hearing that her husband "had a total disdain for women and believed they were intended only to serve men."Wow, welcome to the party, geniuses. And, of course, you must stop there. Don't note that bit about taking the French name as an adult. Noooo, that would really fuck up the standard "all men are rapists in waiting" narrative. If that narrative crashes down then you're going to have to look at the implications.
What are they? Let's hearken back to here, and start with, we're a nation of pussies. Garbi walked in the door and ordered the men out. Out they went, and the shooting began. Anyone go back? Come on, you all know the story, it's told about 68 billion times every "never hear the end of it month" (thank you for that one Cathy Schaidle, I bloody love it); no one went back, the "rampage" ended when Garbi killed himself.
So, we're a nation of pussies. A fundamental precept of our society used to be "women and children first." Thanks to the late, unlamented and never to be sufficiently cursed Pierre Fucking Eliot Fucking Trudeau (I don't really know how much can truly be laid at his feet, I just like typing the phrase, and what the hell, the arrogant prick was responsible for so much of the ruination of this country that it just seems appropriate), and 40 years of total state mandated pussification, the women got thrown under the bus. Any society which does not seek to protect the women and children at the expense of the men is doomed. So, how's that for an implication of Gamil Garbi Memorial Day? It exposes a major fault which dooms us.
What else? Who got killed? The women. Why? Because the men were pussies. Why? Because we've pussified our society. At whose behest? The women. Holy "be careful what you wish for, Feminazis, you might just get it." The annoying "all men are rapists" crowd has pushed for the castration of the western male for my entire lifetime. Well, bitches, you got it. How do you like the taste? Ooooh, if I actually had readers, I'd probably catch me some shit for that one.
Let's look at that some more. Garbi's complaint was that the feminists were keeping him down.
Used to was that engineering was a man's profession. Used to was that nursing was a woman's profession. The "sex barrier" in one of these has suffered a full frontal assault from the forces of stupidity, going back to before I went to university. Hmmm, I wonder if there was actual merit in his claim that the feminists were keeping him down. Nah, the fact that he was dumber than Obama was what was keeping him down, but having been raised as he was, and seeing that women get preferential admissions to university, and especially engineering (which he wanted to attend) gave him his battle cry.
Lesson to be learned? None. Sexist admissions policies are unfair, unjust and an abrogation of the natural rights of man, but they don't justify mass murder, and we shouldn't be taking Garbi's excuse at face value anyway. The man was a fucking psycho, raised to hate women, and a fucking 'tard to boot. There's your lesson, psychos are psychos.
And that means you, too, fisters. His "the feminists are keeping me down" rhetoric is not a club you can use to beat all men. Which is actually a good lesson to take from this, to wit, don't blame classes of people for the acts of individuals. Of course, the fister 'tards aren't going to learn that particular lesson. They'd have to have actual brain cells for that.
So, why use this for a "Why Canada Sucks" post? What was the response to Garbi's rampage? Well, we lower the flags to half mast in his honour. We've implemented more male pussification and done so more aggressively. We've got more gun control (and every day I seem to read about another shooting in Toronto. How's that 2 billion dollar gun registry working out for ya?). And we've got ever more endless rhetoric about how awful men are.
Yes, because the son of a woman hatin' wife beater turned out to be a woman hater, I must self-flaggelate every Dec. 6 to purge the original sin of having a penis. Guess what, I ain't gonna. Real men don't beat women, and I'm not going to apologize for having testicles just because someone with testicles did something bad. Instead, I'm going to insist, starting on this 20th anniversary, that the Feminazi fister retards start apologizing for the castration of the Canadian male, and begging forgiveness for being the root cause of the Ecole Polytechnique massacre.
Oh, and if you're still with me to this point, why do I call it Marc Lepine Memorial Day? Name one of his victims. They've disappeared from the narrative, and all that's left is Garbi (in his French Canadian form). And the Feminazi fister retards can also start apologizing for that.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
What to Write About? Don't Worry, There Will be Beautiful Asian Women in Bikinis, and Heavy Metal
Well, the fulminatin' one has been on hiatus for a bit. No particular reason for it, and certainly no lack of material or inspiration. I've just been too bloody lazy to log on and post something. So, let's take a shotgun approach to the last couple of weeks.
Family...You might think that having 5 couples, with 8 children under six, in our small abode for 5 hours would be rough on a man whose sufferance of fools is perhaps a touch lacking. Yes, you might think that, but last week, under those conditions, I had a blast. Damn, but I love kids. Whether they're little wiggly blobs whose eyes barely focus, or six year olds kicking my ass at Wii golf, if they've got good parents (and all the kids in question do) they are a joy.
Okay, I've got the sappy shit out of the way now.
So, in order to prepare for the above mentioned gathering, Mrs. Fulminandrew and I had to clean up the pigsty in which we live. It's amazing how quickly one 2 year old can turn an otherwise tidy abode into a disaster area, but The Boy manages. And to keep his curious little paws off of things, stuff just gets shoved into places he can't access, like my study. 8 bleeding hours or more to clean it out enough for company. And that's aside from the rest of the joint. Part of the reason for the hiatus was simply tidying up.
The Mrs. asked me, "Should we entertain more, or not at all?" Now, being the antisocial bastard you may have figgered me to be, and considering the work necessary to get the place ready for company, you might expect my answer was "Not at all." Quite the contrary. I'm not really antisocial, I'm anti-idiot. My wife has excellent taste in friends (her taste in sisters, and husbands, might be a bit suspect), not a jackass among them, so I had a grand time. So, entertain more, to force us to (a) keep the place tidier and (b) throw out shit that dearly needs throwing out.
Okay, enough with the personal...Hockey.
Well, Leafs nation, the suckage quotient of the boys in blue and white is slightly less these days. Yes, they got creamed by Boston last night, but Boston is a real team, not an AHL team with delusions. And, yes, they got embarassed by Buffalo, but I believe it's in the Maple Leafs charter that they have to suck against the Sabres. Dunno why, but there you go. Outside of that, they've managed to get within 7 (seven!!!) points of a playoff spot. They even "won" a shootout (and isn't that a dumb fucking way to end a team game?) for a change. They'll still be in tough to make the playoffs, but I posted on that earlier. Anyway, they've been generally more entertaining (and in a positive way).
Now on to the meaty stuff...Boy are Canadians a pack of dumb fucks.
So, Dalton McFerretFace is out to jack up our taxes to the tune of better than $1000 per family, per year. He's gonna do this while sticking his greasy, corrupt fingers in his ears shouting "Lalalalala I can't hear anybody objecting to the HST." He's gonna do this while offering a one time bribe of $1000 dollars of our own money to swallow it. And he's gonna do this all the while telling us how increasing taxes is going to help us economically. I know the guy's a complete fucktard, but, does everyone else have to be?
Let us think about this. First, everything that has GST will now have PST. That's where the extra $1000 per comes in. That's money out of your pocket and into the coffers at Queen's park. You know, the place that just magically made 25 BILLION dollars disappear. While finding 2.5 billion dollars to gift to the teacher's unions (more on that later). Now, money out of your pocket to be invested pissed away by the govt equals slower economic growth. Why? Because govt is incompetent, and Liberal government is fucking incompetent.
Oh, and Mr. Harper, I know you've been on about harmonizing the sales taxes since before you were elected. And I know, in theory, it's actually a good idea. But the timing here sucks, and the GST is too broadly based. If we add 8% to everything not covered by the GST, the Ontario economy is going straight down the shitter. And, I know you're from west (at least of late) but Ontario is still the 800 pound gorilla in the Canadian economy. Narrow the base of the GST (bad), or tell that shit for brains in Queen's Park to lower the provincial chunk to 6 - 7% (g00d).
Now, let us throw into the mix the national campaign to stop the new TV tax of "up to $10 a month." Ooh, yeah, let's fight a $100 tax, while meekly bending over to take a $1000 tax, good and hard. Especially a $100 tax that you don't have to pay. I won't be paying it. Guess why not. That's right, I don't have fucking cable. You think I want to drop 40, 50 bucks a month or more on the brain rotting shite on TV? Anyone who doesn't want to pay the tax, cancel your cable, or satellite. Presto, no tax. Now, how are you going to do this with McShithead's HST? (crickets chirp)
Wake the fuck up, people, TV is not a necessity. Heating oil and electricity are.
Health care.
So, the cocksmoker that McFuck-off-and-die-Cambridge-residents sent to fuck up their hospital even more has determined that the way to balance the %28 under funded budget is to...cut services. Good thing we have Liberals in charge of our health care, 'cause, you know, those damned conservatives cut health care to the bone and the Liberals, well, they would never make health care cuts, right? (there go those fucking crickets again)
Oh, and on the topic of the Harris Tories' health care cuts. The following graph is from the Ontario 2000 budget.

Do you see a cut to health care spending there? Anyone? The next time some Liberal cocksmoker whinges on about the Tories cutting health care, well, now you know the truth. For more on that graph, go here.
Have I fulminated enough? For now, perhaps.
On the plus side, I shall leave you with Arisa Oda...


And a classic from the Oz man.
Family...You might think that having 5 couples, with 8 children under six, in our small abode for 5 hours would be rough on a man whose sufferance of fools is perhaps a touch lacking. Yes, you might think that, but last week, under those conditions, I had a blast. Damn, but I love kids. Whether they're little wiggly blobs whose eyes barely focus, or six year olds kicking my ass at Wii golf, if they've got good parents (and all the kids in question do) they are a joy.
Okay, I've got the sappy shit out of the way now.
So, in order to prepare for the above mentioned gathering, Mrs. Fulminandrew and I had to clean up the pigsty in which we live. It's amazing how quickly one 2 year old can turn an otherwise tidy abode into a disaster area, but The Boy manages. And to keep his curious little paws off of things, stuff just gets shoved into places he can't access, like my study. 8 bleeding hours or more to clean it out enough for company. And that's aside from the rest of the joint. Part of the reason for the hiatus was simply tidying up.
The Mrs. asked me, "Should we entertain more, or not at all?" Now, being the antisocial bastard you may have figgered me to be, and considering the work necessary to get the place ready for company, you might expect my answer was "Not at all." Quite the contrary. I'm not really antisocial, I'm anti-idiot. My wife has excellent taste in friends (her taste in sisters, and husbands, might be a bit suspect), not a jackass among them, so I had a grand time. So, entertain more, to force us to (a) keep the place tidier and (b) throw out shit that dearly needs throwing out.
Okay, enough with the personal...Hockey.
Well, Leafs nation, the suckage quotient of the boys in blue and white is slightly less these days. Yes, they got creamed by Boston last night, but Boston is a real team, not an AHL team with delusions. And, yes, they got embarassed by Buffalo, but I believe it's in the Maple Leafs charter that they have to suck against the Sabres. Dunno why, but there you go. Outside of that, they've managed to get within 7 (seven!!!) points of a playoff spot. They even "won" a shootout (and isn't that a dumb fucking way to end a team game?) for a change. They'll still be in tough to make the playoffs, but I posted on that earlier. Anyway, they've been generally more entertaining (and in a positive way).
Now on to the meaty stuff...Boy are Canadians a pack of dumb fucks.
So, Dalton McFerretFace is out to jack up our taxes to the tune of better than $1000 per family, per year. He's gonna do this while sticking his greasy, corrupt fingers in his ears shouting "Lalalalala I can't hear anybody objecting to the HST." He's gonna do this while offering a one time bribe of $1000 dollars of our own money to swallow it. And he's gonna do this all the while telling us how increasing taxes is going to help us economically. I know the guy's a complete fucktard, but, does everyone else have to be?
Let us think about this. First, everything that has GST will now have PST. That's where the extra $1000 per comes in. That's money out of your pocket and into the coffers at Queen's park. You know, the place that just magically made 25 BILLION dollars disappear. While finding 2.5 billion dollars to gift to the teacher's unions (more on that later). Now, money out of your pocket to be
Oh, and Mr. Harper, I know you've been on about harmonizing the sales taxes since before you were elected. And I know, in theory, it's actually a good idea. But the timing here sucks, and the GST is too broadly based. If we add 8% to everything not covered by the GST, the Ontario economy is going straight down the shitter. And, I know you're from west (at least of late) but Ontario is still the 800 pound gorilla in the Canadian economy. Narrow the base of the GST (bad), or tell that shit for brains in Queen's Park to lower the provincial chunk to 6 - 7% (g00d).
Now, let us throw into the mix the national campaign to stop the new TV tax of
Wake the fuck up, people, TV is not a necessity. Heating oil and electricity are.
Health care.
So, the cocksmoker that McFuck-off-and-die-Cambridge-residents sent to fuck up their hospital even more has determined that the way to balance the %28 under funded budget is to...cut services. Good thing we have Liberals in charge of our health care, 'cause, you know, those damned conservatives cut health care to the bone and the Liberals, well, they would never make health care cuts, right? (there go those fucking crickets again)
Oh, and on the topic of the Harris Tories' health care cuts. The following graph is from the Ontario 2000 budget.

Do you see a cut to health care spending there? Anyone? The next time some Liberal cocksmoker whinges on about the Tories cutting health care, well, now you know the truth. For more on that graph, go here.
Have I fulminated enough? For now, perhaps.
On the plus side, I shall leave you with Arisa Oda...


And a classic from the Oz man.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Misha, We Loves You
Ahh, when Emperor Misha gets going, it's truly a thing of beauty.
Go have a read, it's well worth the time.
Go have a read, it's well worth the time.
Yes, Constable Adolph...
Okay, this is just fucking wrong. I'm driving home from work today, and the top story on the Toronto news station is the "unprecedented" door to door search for some missing girl. During the story, they have some goose-stepping fuck in uniform tell us that they'll be going door to door and that, yes, "We'll be asking to enter your homes, to see that there is no evidence related to her disappearance. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about" (I quote from memory, but it's close).
Oh, no, herr Oberstleutnant? And if you see something you consider to be illegal, immoral, fattening or carcinogenic, what then? Are you simply going to ignore it? I'm thinking, NOT. Especially since, hey, you asked nicely, and you were granted entry, so there's no unwarranted search and seizure problem, eh?
And, Constable Adolph, let's take you at your word that you are "Asking" to enter the homes. What if some law abiding subject, for some crazy reason, imagines himself to be a free man and refuses? Are you going to tase him on the spot, or simply ship him off to Sobibor for "arbeit," to mach him frei?
What the FUCK has happened to this pisshole of a country? I know we fell behind fucking fascist Russia in the index of free nations last month, but, goddamn. The cops are demanding entry into our homes, with the fig leaf of "if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear?" FUCK YOU. I HAVE nothing to hide (Christ, I'm so law abiding that after 25 years of driving, I have never even had a speeding ticket), and, no, you can't fucking come into my house. Keep your brown shirt wearing, goose stepping, jackbooted carcase out in the fucking cold unless you have some, what's the word I'm looking for, oh, yeah, EVIDENCE that there is a reason for you to enter my home. FUCK YOU officer Pol Pot.
"If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear?" How about this, Officer Stalin? What I have to fear is YOU. Think Guy Paul Morin, David Marshall or David Milgaard felt they had nothing to hide? I'll bet they did, and how many decades did they, cellectively spend behind bars? There's a lot of anal rape there for 3 innocent men with "nothing to hide." FUCK YOU Constable Mao.
What about that poor bastard you tazed to death at the Vancouver airport? Did he have nothing to fear? What about the anti-Indonesia protesters you pepper sprayed and beat? Did they have nothing to fear? FUCK YOU officer Lenin.
And where, Where, WHERE is the sense of outrage. Goddammit, we used to be a free nation, sort of. I skimmed the blogosphere, and no one is pissed of about this. Fuck, we have rights people, and the police searching our homes, because a girl is missing, for no other reason than they want to is a violation of them. Wake up, get mad, and please tell Constable Hirohito, politely (I beg of you, politely, tasing hurts) "I have nothing to hide, nothing to offer and no, you may not enter my home."
Welcome to the police state Canada. We've been that way for a while, this just makes it official.
Oh, well, at least we now have a national slogan, "Canada, it was nice while it lasted."
Oh, no, herr Oberstleutnant? And if you see something you consider to be illegal, immoral, fattening or carcinogenic, what then? Are you simply going to ignore it? I'm thinking, NOT. Especially since, hey, you asked nicely, and you were granted entry, so there's no unwarranted search and seizure problem, eh?
And, Constable Adolph, let's take you at your word that you are "Asking" to enter the homes. What if some law abiding subject, for some crazy reason, imagines himself to be a free man and refuses? Are you going to tase him on the spot, or simply ship him off to Sobibor for "arbeit," to mach him frei?
What the FUCK has happened to this pisshole of a country? I know we fell behind fucking fascist Russia in the index of free nations last month, but, goddamn. The cops are demanding entry into our homes, with the fig leaf of "if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear?" FUCK YOU. I HAVE nothing to hide (Christ, I'm so law abiding that after 25 years of driving, I have never even had a speeding ticket), and, no, you can't fucking come into my house. Keep your brown shirt wearing, goose stepping, jackbooted carcase out in the fucking cold unless you have some, what's the word I'm looking for, oh, yeah, EVIDENCE that there is a reason for you to enter my home. FUCK YOU officer Pol Pot.
"If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear?" How about this, Officer Stalin? What I have to fear is YOU. Think Guy Paul Morin, David Marshall or David Milgaard felt they had nothing to hide? I'll bet they did, and how many decades did they, cellectively spend behind bars? There's a lot of anal rape there for 3 innocent men with "nothing to hide." FUCK YOU Constable Mao.
What about that poor bastard you tazed to death at the Vancouver airport? Did he have nothing to fear? What about the anti-Indonesia protesters you pepper sprayed and beat? Did they have nothing to fear? FUCK YOU officer Lenin.
And where, Where, WHERE is the sense of outrage. Goddammit, we used to be a free nation, sort of. I skimmed the blogosphere, and no one is pissed of about this. Fuck, we have rights people, and the police searching our homes, because a girl is missing, for no other reason than they want to is a violation of them. Wake up, get mad, and please tell Constable Hirohito, politely (I beg of you, politely, tasing hurts) "I have nothing to hide, nothing to offer and no, you may not enter my home."
Welcome to the police state Canada. We've been that way for a while, this just makes it official.
Oh, well, at least we now have a national slogan, "Canada, it was nice while it lasted."
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Ignatieff, What a Putz
Now, I don't, generally, disagree too vehemently with Jay Currie. Hell, I wouldn't have put him in my blogroll if I thought he were an idiot, but I gotta take issue here.
Once upon a time Currie was, rightly, castigating the Harper "Conservatives" for their Liberal ways and opined that, since the "conservatives" were behaving like Liberals, if he had to take stuffy, pompous Harper, or his Liberal counterparts, he'd take the Ignatieff Liberals. At least, he reasoned, Ignatieff had style.
Yes, Mr. Currie, it turns out that Ignatieff does have style. I mean, gawky, pompous, whiny, deer-in-the-headlights, political naif is a style. I'm just thinking that it's really not what you meant when you suggested that he has style.
What prompted this little rant? This week's second reading of the bill to repeal the gun registry. Saw Mr. Ignatieff on the news whining about the evil conservatives politicizing the gun registry.
Guess what, moron, it was your incompetent, corrupt Cretinite predecessors who wrote the law in the first place. That would be the act that brought it into the political sphere, dare I say, politicizing it.
Get this through your thick, tourist head Mr. Ignatieff, between 1 and 2 BILLION dollars have been wasted getting farmers to register their gopher guns. Also, see if you can drive this through your thick skull, criminals break the law, it's the unique property that makes them criminals (use a pound sledge hammer if you think it will help). I'm thinking that maybe, just maybe, the street gangs and biker gangs who account for most of the gun crime (pre - you didn't register your squirrel rifle, off to jail with you farmer brown) aren't going to register their guns.
Oh, and, btw, the guns most frequently used in crime, handguns, already required registration. So, please, either (a) get a clue or (b) get off your whiny, pompous, faux outrage high horse. This country has serious problems, and we need a serious oppostition leader. And if you can't handle the job, Power Corps will give it to Bob Rae, and we REALLY don't need a Canada level rerun of the disaster that was his premiership.
Once upon a time Currie was, rightly, castigating the Harper "Conservatives" for their Liberal ways and opined that, since the "conservatives" were behaving like Liberals, if he had to take stuffy, pompous Harper, or his Liberal counterparts, he'd take the Ignatieff Liberals. At least, he reasoned, Ignatieff had style.
Yes, Mr. Currie, it turns out that Ignatieff does have style. I mean, gawky, pompous, whiny, deer-in-the-headlights, political naif is a style. I'm just thinking that it's really not what you meant when you suggested that he has style.
What prompted this little rant? This week's second reading of the bill to repeal the gun registry. Saw Mr. Ignatieff on the news whining about the evil conservatives politicizing the gun registry.
Guess what, moron, it was your incompetent, corrupt Cretinite predecessors who wrote the law in the first place. That would be the act that brought it into the political sphere, dare I say, politicizing it.
Get this through your thick, tourist head Mr. Ignatieff, between 1 and 2 BILLION dollars have been wasted getting farmers to register their gopher guns. Also, see if you can drive this through your thick skull, criminals break the law, it's the unique property that makes them criminals (use a pound sledge hammer if you think it will help). I'm thinking that maybe, just maybe, the street gangs and biker gangs who account for most of the gun crime (pre - you didn't register your squirrel rifle, off to jail with you farmer brown) aren't going to register their guns.
Oh, and, btw, the guns most frequently used in crime, handguns, already required registration. So, please, either (a) get a clue or (b) get off your whiny, pompous, faux outrage high horse. This country has serious problems, and we need a serious oppostition leader. And if you can't handle the job, Power Corps will give it to Bob Rae, and we REALLY don't need a Canada level rerun of the disaster that was his premiership.
Woo Hoo, Number 29
Well the stinking Leafs finally decided to win a winnable game. They managed to, barely, put down the slumping Hurricanes.
Of course, they spotted them a two goal lead, and didn't manage to seal the deal until 11:36 of the third, and they tried to piss it away with a penalty in the last minute, but, hey, they did post a win. In regulation. And now they OWN 29th spot.
Next up, the Stockholm Dirty Wings. Yeah, they'll lose this one, big.
God these guys suck. Not looking forward to my plate of crow come April.
5 - 1 over the Wings? Well done boys. Tied for 28th. Woo hoo. Another win and, if all breaks just right, youll be in a 3 way tie for 24th.
I repeat, inspite of their 2 game "winning streak," and, in spite of beating the Dirtroit Dirty Wings, God these guys suck.
Of course, they spotted them a two goal lead, and didn't manage to seal the deal until 11:36 of the third, and they tried to piss it away with a penalty in the last minute, but, hey, they did post a win. In regulation. And now they OWN 29th spot.
Next up, the Stockholm Dirty Wings. Yeah, they'll lose this one, big.
God these guys suck. Not looking forward to my plate of crow come April.
5 - 1 over the Wings? Well done boys. Tied for 28th. Woo hoo. Another win and, if all breaks just right, youll be in a 3 way tie for 24th.
I repeat, inspite of their 2 game "winning streak," and, in spite of beating the Dirtroit Dirty Wings, God these guys suck.
McGuinty, the Gift That Keeps on Giving
Jeebus, I've known for years that this guy was (1) stupid, (2) slimy, (3) stupid, (4) corrupt, (5) stupid (6) an asshole and, most of all (7) stupid. Just look at the blank stare, and listen to the stuttering, stumbling, monotonous delivery of boilerplate talking points from any speech he gave back when the adults were in charge of the province.
Anyway, what I never thought he'd be is the non-idiotarian blogger's gift that keeps on giving. Of course, I never expected to be a blogger. Hell, blogging didn't even exist back when I had this unflushed turd's number. But, to give the devil his due, the dumb fuck simply can't open his slack jawed pie hole without giving me the inspiration for a post.
The latest McStinkyism to inspire me to put fingers to keyboard? Mr. McShitforbrains considers it to be absolutely imperative that we all get the Mexican flu vaccination. Even though it's not properly tested. Even though it's been rushed to market. Even though the doctors' stories change on a daily basis. Yup, it's essential that we get the fucking shot.
Well, now that McBonehead has weighed in, the decision is made. No shot for the fulminatin' one. If he wants me to get it that much, it's gotta be a bad thing. That particular blind squirrel has already found his nut for the decade.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those "vaccinations are the debbil" fruitcakes. Mrs. Fulminandrew has friends who express profound regret that they got their first child all the standard childhood vaccinations. Yes, it's a crying shame that the little nipper won't die of whooping cough, or be crippled by polio, or go sterile from late contracted mumps. Mrs. F was wondering if we should get the boy his vaccinations. As she stays home with the little devil, she makes most of the decisions regarding his upbringing. BUT. But the fulminatin' one put his size 11 down there, and the little booger got his shots.
Having established my not-a-distilled-water-in-place-of-actual-medicine takin' pinhead, I gotta say, I had serious reservations about the Mexican flu shot. As noted above, too rushed, untested, changing stories, not to mention single source. So, I must now do something I thought I'd never, ever do. I must give sincere thanks to Dalton "dumber than dishwater" McGuinty for sealing the deal. Now I know the Mexican flu shot is worse than useless, and won't bother to get it.
Thanks, Dalton. You moron.
Anyway, what I never thought he'd be is the non-idiotarian blogger's gift that keeps on giving. Of course, I never expected to be a blogger. Hell, blogging didn't even exist back when I had this unflushed turd's number. But, to give the devil his due, the dumb fuck simply can't open his slack jawed pie hole without giving me the inspiration for a post.
The latest McStinkyism to inspire me to put fingers to keyboard? Mr. McShitforbrains considers it to be absolutely imperative that we all get the Mexican flu vaccination. Even though it's not properly tested. Even though it's been rushed to market. Even though the doctors' stories change on a daily basis. Yup, it's essential that we get the fucking shot.
Well, now that McBonehead has weighed in, the decision is made. No shot for the fulminatin' one. If he wants me to get it that much, it's gotta be a bad thing. That particular blind squirrel has already found his nut for the decade.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those "vaccinations are the debbil" fruitcakes. Mrs. Fulminandrew has friends who express profound regret that they got their first child all the standard childhood vaccinations. Yes, it's a crying shame that the little nipper won't die of whooping cough, or be crippled by polio, or go sterile from late contracted mumps. Mrs. F was wondering if we should get the boy his vaccinations. As she stays home with the little devil, she makes most of the decisions regarding his upbringing. BUT. But the fulminatin' one put his size 11 down there, and the little booger got his shots.
Having established my not-a-distilled-water-in-place-of-actual-medicine takin' pinhead, I gotta say, I had serious reservations about the Mexican flu shot. As noted above, too rushed, untested, changing stories, not to mention single source. So, I must now do something I thought I'd never, ever do. I must give sincere thanks to Dalton "dumber than dishwater" McGuinty for sealing the deal. Now I know the Mexican flu shot is worse than useless, and won't bother to get it.
Thanks, Dalton. You moron.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Heavy Metal Monday, McGuinty is a Pinhead Edition
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, calling this the "McGuinty is a Pinhead Edition" of Heavy Metal Monday really doesn't narrow down the possible topics a whole helluva lot, does it?
Let's narrow it down. The two greatest spending priorities of the provincial governments are (1) health care and (2) education. In Ontario they eat up about 3/4 of the provincial budget (1/2 for health and 1/4 for education), and the functional retard we have "running" the show in Queen's Park is fucking up both of them at this very minute.
How? I'd say. "Let me count the ways," but I have two specific examples in mind. Universal, all day babysitting for 4 and 5 year olds. Oops, I mean kindergarten. And the hatchet job the fucker is doing on the folks in Cambridge.
I gave props to Premier Ferret Face for figuring out that all boys education is an idea whose time has come. Now it's back to the brickbat.
Universal, all day kindergarten for 4 and 5 year olds, Dalton? To the (official) tune of 1.5 billion dollars per year. When, you cock smoking prick, your govt is running a 25 billion dollar deficit?
Some questions, you weasel faced street pizza: Do you really think I'm stupid enough to believe any govt's spending projections, much less a socialist piece of crap govt? Or do you just figure you need the anencephalic vote?
Do you really believe there is any educational and economic benefit to it? Or are you disturbed that you didn't get re-elected with 99% of the vote, so you need to start the statist indoctrination at 4. Hell, numbnuts, some dipshit in Washington DC wants to start kindergarten at 3. Get 'em before they're out of diapers, maybe then you can program all independant thought out of their heads.
Why are you such a lying crapweasel? This has nothing, specifically, to do with the topic to hand, I just want to know.
Considering you're about to pile probably 3 billion a year onto a budget already 25 billion in the red, just where is the money going to come from? You think that HST tax hike is going to increase revenue? Really? No increased underground economy, no driving business under or out of province? You're really gonna get all that lovely money, are you? Shithead.
I know, you can get the money by cutting health care. You can start by screwing over those impertinent bastards in Cambridge, who absolutely refuse to be good little germans and elect a Liberal.
For my reader, if you don't get the reference, I heard on the news today that the toad the province has parachuted in to shut down the Cambridge hospital...oops, I mean, balance the hospital budget, is planning on cutting 5 million from the budget. Brilliant plan. The fucking hospital is 28% underfunded. Let's see if we can't get that underfunding above the magical 1/3. Maybe then there'll be an outbreak of e difficile, or flesh eating bacteria, or the bubonic plague, and a bunch of people will die, and you can finally close the place down. That'll teach the stupid, PC voting peasants not to pay proper homage to His Royal Scungiliciousness, Dalton fucking McGuinty.
Sayyyyy, actual, real cuts to health care. The ones I showed in my last post to never have occurred in the Mike Harris years. Brought to you by the party of "protecting health care and Canadian Values," the lying, scum sucking, Liberal Piece of Shit party.
I truly hope you die a lingering and painful death, you vomitous cretin.
What in the hell am I going to choose for a song to go with this? These two latest ilLiberal moves are nuts, but I did Crazy Train last week.
Lets go back to good ol' rock and roll, heavy metal ancestors AC DC to describe where McShithead is taking us.
And for real heavy metal...gonna go to Opeth, and Ghost of Perdition, also in honour of where the spineless crapweasel is taking us. God DAMN, I hate that prick.
Let's narrow it down. The two greatest spending priorities of the provincial governments are (1) health care and (2) education. In Ontario they eat up about 3/4 of the provincial budget (1/2 for health and 1/4 for education), and the functional retard we have "running" the show in Queen's Park is fucking up both of them at this very minute.
How? I'd say. "Let me count the ways," but I have two specific examples in mind. Universal, all day babysitting for 4 and 5 year olds. Oops, I mean kindergarten. And the hatchet job the fucker is doing on the folks in Cambridge.
I gave props to Premier Ferret Face for figuring out that all boys education is an idea whose time has come. Now it's back to the brickbat.
Universal, all day kindergarten for 4 and 5 year olds, Dalton? To the (official) tune of 1.5 billion dollars per year. When, you cock smoking prick, your govt is running a 25 billion dollar deficit?
Some questions, you weasel faced street pizza: Do you really think I'm stupid enough to believe any govt's spending projections, much less a socialist piece of crap govt? Or do you just figure you need the anencephalic vote?
Do you really believe there is any educational and economic benefit to it? Or are you disturbed that you didn't get re-elected with 99% of the vote, so you need to start the statist indoctrination at 4. Hell, numbnuts, some dipshit in Washington DC wants to start kindergarten at 3. Get 'em before they're out of diapers, maybe then you can program all independant thought out of their heads.
Why are you such a lying crapweasel? This has nothing, specifically, to do with the topic to hand, I just want to know.
Considering you're about to pile probably 3 billion a year onto a budget already 25 billion in the red, just where is the money going to come from? You think that HST tax hike is going to increase revenue? Really? No increased underground economy, no driving business under or out of province? You're really gonna get all that lovely money, are you? Shithead.
I know, you can get the money by cutting health care. You can start by screwing over those impertinent bastards in Cambridge, who absolutely refuse to be good little germans and elect a Liberal.
For my reader, if you don't get the reference, I heard on the news today that the toad the province has parachuted in to shut down the Cambridge hospital...oops, I mean, balance the hospital budget, is planning on cutting 5 million from the budget. Brilliant plan. The fucking hospital is 28% underfunded. Let's see if we can't get that underfunding above the magical 1/3. Maybe then there'll be an outbreak of e difficile, or flesh eating bacteria, or the bubonic plague, and a bunch of people will die, and you can finally close the place down. That'll teach the stupid, PC voting peasants not to pay proper homage to His Royal Scungiliciousness, Dalton fucking McGuinty.
Sayyyyy, actual, real cuts to health care. The ones I showed in my last post to never have occurred in the Mike Harris years. Brought to you by the party of "protecting health care and Canadian Values," the lying, scum sucking, Liberal Piece of Shit party.
I truly hope you die a lingering and painful death, you vomitous cretin.
What in the hell am I going to choose for a song to go with this? These two latest ilLiberal moves are nuts, but I did Crazy Train last week.
Lets go back to good ol' rock and roll, heavy metal ancestors AC DC to describe where McShithead is taking us.
And for real heavy metal...gonna go to Opeth, and Ghost of Perdition, also in honour of where the spineless crapweasel is taking us. God DAMN, I hate that prick.
Health Care,
Heavy Metal,
Liberal Assholes,
Liberal Hypocrisy
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Liberals Really Are Lying Sacks of S**t
It was a close call for the fulminatin' one today. I was on my way home from meeting with a customer and, as I am wont to do, I turned on my local talk station. The local talker had on one of Premier McDickhead's ministers (Colleges and Technology or some such), and the "honourable minister fired off one of the standard Liberal tropes; that the Harris Tories "slashed" health care spending. The red curtain of blood descended, and I had to concentrate hard not to run into a ditch at 120 km/h.
At any rate, in reply I say, "Fuck off, fuckwit."
At greater length, have a look here. Scroll down a bit to find this chart:

Now, as I wrote to the talker, if words are to have meanings, they have to mean the same thing for everyone, leastwise if there is to be communication. In budgetary context, "cutting" is reducing spending. "Slashing" is massively reducing spending. To repeat myself, the Harris Tories increased health care spending every single year. No cutting, no slashing.
This leaves us a dichotomy. The "honourable" member either knows this, or he does not. If he knows it, he is just another lying sack of liberal shit. If he doesn't know it, he is too stupid or ill informed to be janitor in charge of replacing the urinal mints at Queen's Park, much less a minister for higher education and technology. You can probably guess which one I'm betting on.
Of course, to be charitable, he could be all of the above; stupid, ill informed, and a liar. Just not about this topic, not simultaneously.
You know what pissed me off the most, though? It wasn't that yet another McLimdick Minister lied about something. That's about as common as ice at the south pole. It wasn't the fact that the host let him get away with it. I'll be charitable and assume he simply doesn't know it to be a falsehood. It was the fact that Elizabeth Witmer, Harris' Minister of fucking Health from 1997 to 2001, was the next guest.
You can't tell me that the woman who presided over the annual budget increases didn't know that the budget, well, increased. Why the FUCK didn't she call the son of a bitch on the lie? I don't give a good fucking goddamn about collegiality, the man told a base lie about her ministry, and she let it go.
And so it enters deeper into the public consciousness, that the Harris Tories cut health care spending when they did no such fucking thing. Christ, Wikipedia flatly states that Witmer "presided over a controversial restructuring process which included a number of government cutbacks."
You know what else chafes my buns? Here we are, 6 fucking years after the lying pricks got elected, and it's still Liberal government policy to blame Harris. Hey, asspipes, guess what, it's yours, you own it. I know you're too fucking stupid to fix it, but please try not to fuck it up too much more before you get tossed out on your asses.
Shit, this ones long enough, and I haven't even gotten to Dickless Dalton's POS all day kindergarten program. Oh well, another time.
At any rate, in reply I say, "Fuck off, fuckwit."
At greater length, have a look here. Scroll down a bit to find this chart:

Now, as I wrote to the talker, if words are to have meanings, they have to mean the same thing for everyone, leastwise if there is to be communication. In budgetary context, "cutting" is reducing spending. "Slashing" is massively reducing spending. To repeat myself, the Harris Tories increased health care spending every single year. No cutting, no slashing.
This leaves us a dichotomy. The "honourable" member either knows this, or he does not. If he knows it, he is just another lying sack of liberal shit. If he doesn't know it, he is too stupid or ill informed to be janitor in charge of replacing the urinal mints at Queen's Park, much less a minister for higher education and technology. You can probably guess which one I'm betting on.
Of course, to be charitable, he could be all of the above; stupid, ill informed, and a liar. Just not about this topic, not simultaneously.
You know what pissed me off the most, though? It wasn't that yet another McLimdick Minister lied about something. That's about as common as ice at the south pole. It wasn't the fact that the host let him get away with it. I'll be charitable and assume he simply doesn't know it to be a falsehood. It was the fact that Elizabeth Witmer, Harris' Minister of fucking Health from 1997 to 2001, was the next guest.
You can't tell me that the woman who presided over the annual budget increases didn't know that the budget, well, increased. Why the FUCK didn't she call the son of a bitch on the lie? I don't give a good fucking goddamn about collegiality, the man told a base lie about her ministry, and she let it go.
And so it enters deeper into the public consciousness, that the Harris Tories cut health care spending when they did no such fucking thing. Christ, Wikipedia flatly states that Witmer "presided over a controversial restructuring process which included a number of government cutbacks."
You know what else chafes my buns? Here we are, 6 fucking years after the lying pricks got elected, and it's still Liberal government policy to blame Harris. Hey, asspipes, guess what, it's yours, you own it. I know you're too fucking stupid to fix it, but please try not to fuck it up too much more before you get tossed out on your asses.
Shit, this ones long enough, and I haven't even gotten to Dickless Dalton's POS all day kindergarten program. Oh well, another time.
Liberal Arrogance,
Liberal Assholes,
Liberal Lies
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Heavy Metal Monday, Maple Leafs Finally Win One Edition
Well, the tag is gonna have to be Maple Leafs suck because, well, they do. But at least they finally won a game.
Actually, I watched the third period of Hockey Night in Canada on Saturday and a few thoughts struck me.
First, the Leafs, although they suck, and can't score a goal tosave their lives win a game, at least seemed interested in beating Vancouver. Incapable, as it happens, but at least interested.
Second, amongst my old fogies team, and my old guys shinny groups, the consensus seems to be that one of the reasons the Leafs are going nowhere is that Wilson refuses to name a captain. Yeah, yeah, yeah, not enough talent, no leaders, blah, blah, blah. First off, talent schmalent, where is it written that your best player needs must be the captain? How many times has a remarkable talent been given the "C," only to crash and burn (Vincent LeCavalier anyone)? And no leaders? Well, give someone the "C," and he either grows into it, or you give it to someone else. Won't necessarily ruin him (Vincent LeCavalier anyone) and it will address an aching need.
Anyway, Thursday I got to thinking that maybe Ian White is that guy. He's popular in the dressing room (nominated for the Masterton trophy for perserverance and dedication to hockey), done everything the team asked of him, including sucking up 11 games in the press box whilst "better" prospects got their look, then played back into the lineup as a winger, and has emerged second to Kaberle in ice time, all the while being a plus on this team of minuses.
So, Ronnie boy, howzabout it, Ian White for captain?
Third, whilst watching the game, streamed over cbc.ca, I note that the CBC has upped its streaming bandwidth. Good. I really don't want to pay for cable to watch these palookas.
Fourth, it would surely suck to be a non-French speaking Montreal fan. After the Leafs' game, the broadcast switched over to the Montreal game, and who was doing the play by play? Bob "adenoids," "call the score and the time, not the play," "senile, yet stupid," "god why won't they retire this guy," "somewhere there's a village missing an idiot" Cole. That's how low you rate, Anglo Montreal fans. Bob Cole is too useless for the LEAFS, so the CB frickin' C sticks you with him. To quote that great moral philosopher, Nelson Muntz, "Hah, hah."
Fifth, I have no idea, thematically, what to use for this belated Heavy Metal Monday.
Howzabout one of the classics? Since you gotta be crazy to be a Leafs fan, let us take a ride on the Crazy Train.
Actually, I watched the third period of Hockey Night in Canada on Saturday and a few thoughts struck me.
First, the Leafs, although they suck, and can't score a goal to
Second, amongst my old fogies team, and my old guys shinny groups, the consensus seems to be that one of the reasons the Leafs are going nowhere is that Wilson refuses to name a captain. Yeah, yeah, yeah, not enough talent, no leaders, blah, blah, blah. First off, talent schmalent, where is it written that your best player needs must be the captain? How many times has a remarkable talent been given the "C," only to crash and burn (Vincent LeCavalier anyone)? And no leaders? Well, give someone the "C," and he either grows into it, or you give it to someone else. Won't necessarily ruin him (Vincent LeCavalier anyone) and it will address an aching need.
Anyway, Thursday I got to thinking that maybe Ian White is that guy. He's popular in the dressing room (nominated for the Masterton trophy for perserverance and dedication to hockey), done everything the team asked of him, including sucking up 11 games in the press box whilst "better" prospects got their look, then played back into the lineup as a winger, and has emerged second to Kaberle in ice time, all the while being a plus on this team of minuses.
So, Ronnie boy, howzabout it, Ian White for captain?
Third, whilst watching the game, streamed over cbc.ca, I note that the CBC has upped its streaming bandwidth. Good. I really don't want to pay for cable to watch these palookas.
Fourth, it would surely suck to be a non-French speaking Montreal fan. After the Leafs' game, the broadcast switched over to the Montreal game, and who was doing the play by play? Bob "adenoids," "call the score and the time, not the play," "senile, yet stupid," "god why won't they retire this guy," "somewhere there's a village missing an idiot" Cole. That's how low you rate, Anglo Montreal fans. Bob Cole is too useless for the LEAFS, so the CB frickin' C sticks you with him. To quote that great moral philosopher, Nelson Muntz, "Hah, hah."
Fifth, I have no idea, thematically, what to use for this belated Heavy Metal Monday.
Howzabout one of the classics? Since you gotta be crazy to be a Leafs fan, let us take a ride on the Crazy Train.
Friday, October 23, 2009
2 Seconds Left and the Farking Senators Tie the Game
Okay, so Thursday is old guy hockey night, and the fulminatin' one was off to the rink. We won, and a few of us went to Boston Pizza to celebrate. They had the Ottawa - Nashville game on the tube. Okay, I can watch this. Maybe Ottawa will lose, and god will smile.
I look up, and Ottawa scored to make it 3 - 1. Okay, two goal lead, Dirty Dan and the losers from the capital are down.
I look up again, and they're changing stations. Bastards, there's very little I enjoy more than seeing a player I loathe on the losing end of a game.
I look up again, and the game's back, and it's 4 - 3 Nashville. Durn, but the clock is running down, Ottawa still looks good for a loss.
Oh, shit, they've tied it. That sucks. But wait, Nashville scores with under a minute to go. Just play the last minute safe.
No, you stupid fucking goalie, don't pass the puck to fucking Alfredson. I can't stand the dirty, smarmy, selfish little prick, but he is a good hockey player, and can pass the puck if the notion enters his pointy little head. Aaaarrrggghhh, 2 seconds left and Ottawa ties it.
Okay, okay, so Nashville scored in overtime to win, Ottawa still got a point out of it. You know, when Ottawa loses, god smiles. When they win, he kills a little kitten. I don't know about overtime losses, but I'm thinking at the least, that baby kitteh was given an unnecessary bath.
I know this post isn't about the Leafs, but I'm going to lable it Maple Leafs suck because, well, they do.
I look up, and Ottawa scored to make it 3 - 1. Okay, two goal lead, Dirty Dan and the losers from the capital are down.
I look up again, and they're changing stations. Bastards, there's very little I enjoy more than seeing a player I loathe on the losing end of a game.
I look up again, and the game's back, and it's 4 - 3 Nashville. Durn, but the clock is running down, Ottawa still looks good for a loss.
Oh, shit, they've tied it. That sucks. But wait, Nashville scores with under a minute to go. Just play the last minute safe.
No, you stupid fucking goalie, don't pass the puck to fucking Alfredson. I can't stand the dirty, smarmy, selfish little prick, but he is a good hockey player, and can pass the puck if the notion enters his pointy little head. Aaaarrrggghhh, 2 seconds left and Ottawa ties it.
Okay, okay, so Nashville scored in overtime to win, Ottawa still got a point out of it. You know, when Ottawa loses, god smiles. When they win, he kills a little kitten. I don't know about overtime losses, but I'm thinking at the least, that baby kitteh was given an unnecessary bath.
I know this post isn't about the Leafs, but I'm going to lable it Maple Leafs suck because, well, they do.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Broken Clock Theory Proven, McGuinty Gets One Right
Okay, I've been known to be a little harsh on the ferret-faced crapweasel we have for a Premier, but I'm a fair minded kind of guy. After all I'm not a conservative partisan, hell I'm not even a conservative, nor am I really anti-Liberal. Okay, I lied there, I really am anti-Liberal, but that's not because I'm a conservative, it's because I'm anti-asshole, and the left side of the political spectrum is a veritable magnet for bungholes in human form.
Having said that, it's time to give props to Premier McShithead. Yes, I said it, Dalton McNumbnuts actually got one right, proving again that even a blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut, and even a blind, retarded, spineless, corrupt, ferret-faced crapweasel can discover reality if it smacks him hard enough on the nose.
What am I talking about? This. McDickead actually came out in favour of a boys only school. It only took 30 years of trying to turn them into little girls, doping them up if they couldn't pay attention, and destroying their educational prospects and futures, for the geniuses in charge of the education system to notice that girls are doing better, and doing so at the expense of boys.
Did I say the expense of boys? Yes I did. From 1979 to 2001, women went from 40% to 56% of undergraduates. By 2005, 58% of graduate students were women, and over 60% of med school students are women.
Coincidence? Well, maybe. Maybe changing the curriculum to girl friendly had no effect at all. Maybe all that effort to make it easier for girls to pursue higher education just helped them, without hindering the boys at all. Maybe. Ahhh, who am I fucking kidding. There has been a dirty little war on boys for decades. The 3rd wave feminists hate us, and they've been actively trying to destroy us.
Don't believe me? How many women engineering students are there? Not terribly many, might be as high as 25%. How many men nursing students are there? A whole lot less than there are women in engineering. How many "crisis in nursing...more men needed" stories have you seen? How about the reverse case for engineering? What faculty is out there actively seeking to balance its existing sex imbalance? I'll give you a hint. It ain't nursing.
So, to conclude, Dalton McGuinty is still a corrupt, spineless, tax grabbing, back stabbing, lying crapweasel, but I gotta say, he did get this one right. Too bad the edumacators will find some way to sabotage it, so that the project to neuter the Canadian man can proceed apace.
Having said that, it's time to give props to Premier McShithead. Yes, I said it, Dalton McNumbnuts actually got one right, proving again that even a blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut, and even a blind, retarded, spineless, corrupt, ferret-faced crapweasel can discover reality if it smacks him hard enough on the nose.
What am I talking about? This. McDickead actually came out in favour of a boys only school. It only took 30 years of trying to turn them into little girls, doping them up if they couldn't pay attention, and destroying their educational prospects and futures, for the geniuses in charge of the education system to notice that girls are doing better, and doing so at the expense of boys.
Did I say the expense of boys? Yes I did. From 1979 to 2001, women went from 40% to 56% of undergraduates. By 2005, 58% of graduate students were women, and over 60% of med school students are women.
Coincidence? Well, maybe. Maybe changing the curriculum to girl friendly had no effect at all. Maybe all that effort to make it easier for girls to pursue higher education just helped them, without hindering the boys at all. Maybe. Ahhh, who am I fucking kidding. There has been a dirty little war on boys for decades. The 3rd wave feminists hate us, and they've been actively trying to destroy us.
Don't believe me? How many women engineering students are there? Not terribly many, might be as high as 25%. How many men nursing students are there? A whole lot less than there are women in engineering. How many "crisis in nursing...more men needed" stories have you seen? How about the reverse case for engineering? What faculty is out there actively seeking to balance its existing sex imbalance? I'll give you a hint. It ain't nursing.
So, to conclude, Dalton McGuinty is still a corrupt, spineless, tax grabbing, back stabbing, lying crapweasel, but I gotta say, he did get this one right. Too bad the edumacators will find some way to sabotage it, so that the project to neuter the Canadian man can proceed apace.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Beautiful Asian Women in Bikinis
Okay, first, posting again has blown some of the commuting stress out of my head. Fuck me but Southern Ontario drivers, especially those in, or commuting to, the GTA are a pack of fucking morons. Second, although posting is fun again, something's missing. What? Well, read the damned hed.
First we have Arisa Oda in white.

Now in red.

Also in red, Eiko Koike.

And last but certainly not least, Inoue Waka

There, I feel better, how about you?
First we have Arisa Oda in white.

Now in red.

Also in red, Eiko Koike.

And last but certainly not least, Inoue Waka

There, I feel better, how about you?
The Maple Leafs Suck, Part of a Continuing Series.
You know, Brian Burke was brought in to fix this fucking team. I'm on record as having said that the defensive upgrades ought to be good enough to get them to the playoffs. Looks like crow might just be on ol' Fulminandrew's April diet.
What the fuck is going on? They got bigger, tougher and meaner. They got a decent quality checking centre and a backup who can stop the puck. What gives? I dunno. Will Kessel's entrance into the lineup next month make a difference? I dunno. They're 10% into the season and they aren't just losing, they're getting smoked, nightly.
Guys, shape up. I put myself on record that you're better than last year, and I still think you are. There, I've doubled down, so, dammit, play like you mean it.
And trade Toskela. You can always use a few more pucks at practice.
What the fuck is going on? They got bigger, tougher and meaner. They got a decent quality checking centre and a backup who can stop the puck. What gives? I dunno. Will Kessel's entrance into the lineup next month make a difference? I dunno. They're 10% into the season and they aren't just losing, they're getting smoked, nightly.
Guys, shape up. I put myself on record that you're better than last year, and I still think you are. There, I've doubled down, so, dammit, play like you mean it.
And trade Toskela. You can always use a few more pucks at practice.
Why Canada Sucks, Part VI, We're All Fascists Now
God DAMN I hate this fucking country. This is going to be a hard post to write, because there is just too much fucking material to sort through. I'll try not to get too excessive with it, though.
First, a matter of definitions. Fascism is a slippery word, so much so that, in the introduction to his book Liberal Fascism, Jonah Goldberg spills a fair bit of ink in attempting to pin down a definition of fascism, because the main problem is that there really isn't one. He eventually comes to a broad definition, which I can't reproduce, as I borrowed it from the library when I was unemployed and broke. A good working definition would be "Whatever Liberals hate," but that's of little use.
Instead let us turn to dictionary.reference.com, which gives the following:
Hmm, fits the Liberal and NDP to a fucking "T," doesn't it? Especially when you consider that the closest thing to an absolute dictator, outside of actual dictatorships, is a Canadian 1st Minister with a majority government. Don't believe me? Did Johnny Cretin change his mind for anyone when he was corrupting up 24 Sussex Dr. Did Brian Baloney before him, or the late, unlamented and never to be sufficiently cursed Pierre Elliot fucking Trudeau? No? Didn't think so.
So, if we dispense with the nonsense that Fascism is a conservative ideology, we come to the conlcusion it is a Liberal ideology. Which brings us to a few events of late.
Dalton fucking McGuinty. Untendered contracts resulting in the pissing away of a billion dollars to Liberal friendly firms. Who the fuck does he think he is, giving my money away to his friends like that, Chretien? Oh, and if you think he's not a fascist fucker, is anyone getting fired for this? Or is he stonewalling, since he has a majority and can do whatever he wants.
Speaking of whatever he wants, how many of you want the tax hike represented by the HST? Anyone? Really. Hmm, think that 70% in opposition is going to stop it? Absolute dictator anyone?
Lest you think I'm picking solely on our main source of fascists, the Liberals, how about Prime Minister Ringo Starr and the proposed changes to RIDE programs. At least right now they have to have an officer sniff your breath before they violate your rights. The new proposal is just to randomly pull people over to butt rape their rights. Think that's not fascist?
And why do I entitle this post "We're All Fascists Now?" Well, remember when the province tried to make bike helmets mandatory for everyone? It was probably Bobo the Clown, but I don't really remember, and whoever it was, isn't the point. Now McShithead wants to make ski helments mandatory. Hey, Dalton, fuck off. It's my fucking head, and I'll do with it as I please, you fascist fuck. But I digress.
When I first heard the story, it was one of the local talkers, who asked his listeners to call or write in with their opinions. Not one, NOT A FUCKING ONE, opined that it's none of the provinces fucking business to regulate ski helmet use. "...regimenting all business, commerce, etc..."
Hey, Ontario, if you want to wear a ski helmet, WEAR A FUCKING SKI HELMET. You can do this without there being a law to make you, you know. You stupid fascist fuckers.
Smoking laws. Seatbelt laws. Business regulations. Banking regulations. Your fireplace. Your toilet. There is nothing, NOTHING in your life that these pricks don't want control over. And they'll get it. Do you know why they'll get it? First, because a Canadian first minister with a majority government is the closest thing to an absolute dictator in the developed world, second, they frame as much as possible as a health care issure and third, we're a nation of pussies, too afraid to stand up for our rights.
Smoking regulations? Health care. Cook up some bullshit study about second hand smoke and you can regulate it to death.
Seatbelts? Helmets? Health care. If you get hurt, it's on the public dime, so the govt has a financial responsibility to fuck your rights.
Salt, fat, meat, and anything else that tastes good? Heart disease, diabetes and colon cancer.
Explain this to the average Canadian (and use small words so there's a chance the moron will get it), and see if he manages to draw the obvious conclusion. If you want to live free. Either leave Canada, or end the health care monopoly. That won't deal with the busy body assholes who just can't stand to see someone having fun, but it will yank the pins out from under the "Well, the govt is paying for your health care, so they have the right to tell you how to live" argument.
Of course, even if you convince the average Canadian pussy that freedom from govt health care is a good thing, he'll never actually voice the thought out loud, for fear of sounding unCanadian. There's nothing worse than be outed as being in favour of "Two Tier, American Style Health Care." Hell, I think the gutless wimps in this country think that if you express that opinion, they'll strip you of your citizenship or, worse yet, ban you from Tim Horton's for life.
Have I mentioned lately that I hate this fucking country?
First, a matter of definitions. Fascism is a slippery word, so much so that, in the introduction to his book Liberal Fascism, Jonah Goldberg spills a fair bit of ink in attempting to pin down a definition of fascism, because the main problem is that there really isn't one. He eventually comes to a broad definition, which I can't reproduce, as I borrowed it from the library when I was unemployed and broke. A good working definition would be "Whatever Liberals hate," but that's of little use.
Instead let us turn to dictionary.reference.com, which gives the following:
a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racismAha, that's how we define those evil, right wing, fascist bastards. Nazzo fast, Guido, let's parse this. Leave aside the absolute dictator, and see if there's anything in there that might seem a bit, I don't know, left wing. You know, like regimenting (i.e. regulating) all industry, commerce, etc., suppressing opposition criticism ("Human Rights" Commissions), aggressive nationalism (Liberal MP Carolyn "Americans, I hate those bastards" Parrish) and racism (Bobo the Clown, Bob "White men need not apply" Rae).
Hmm, fits the Liberal and NDP to a fucking "T," doesn't it? Especially when you consider that the closest thing to an absolute dictator, outside of actual dictatorships, is a Canadian 1st Minister with a majority government. Don't believe me? Did Johnny Cretin change his mind for anyone when he was corrupting up 24 Sussex Dr. Did Brian Baloney before him, or the late, unlamented and never to be sufficiently cursed Pierre Elliot fucking Trudeau? No? Didn't think so.
So, if we dispense with the nonsense that Fascism is a conservative ideology, we come to the conlcusion it is a Liberal ideology. Which brings us to a few events of late.
Dalton fucking McGuinty. Untendered contracts resulting in the pissing away of a billion dollars to Liberal friendly firms. Who the fuck does he think he is, giving my money away to his friends like that, Chretien? Oh, and if you think he's not a fascist fucker, is anyone getting fired for this? Or is he stonewalling, since he has a majority and can do whatever he wants.
Speaking of whatever he wants, how many of you want the tax hike represented by the HST? Anyone? Really. Hmm, think that 70% in opposition is going to stop it? Absolute dictator anyone?
Lest you think I'm picking solely on our main source of fascists, the Liberals, how about Prime Minister Ringo Starr and the proposed changes to RIDE programs. At least right now they have to have an officer sniff your breath before they violate your rights. The new proposal is just to randomly pull people over to butt rape their rights. Think that's not fascist?
And why do I entitle this post "We're All Fascists Now?" Well, remember when the province tried to make bike helmets mandatory for everyone? It was probably Bobo the Clown, but I don't really remember, and whoever it was, isn't the point. Now McShithead wants to make ski helments mandatory. Hey, Dalton, fuck off. It's my fucking head, and I'll do with it as I please, you fascist fuck. But I digress.
When I first heard the story, it was one of the local talkers, who asked his listeners to call or write in with their opinions. Not one, NOT A FUCKING ONE, opined that it's none of the provinces fucking business to regulate ski helmet use. "...regimenting all business, commerce, etc..."
Hey, Ontario, if you want to wear a ski helmet, WEAR A FUCKING SKI HELMET. You can do this without there being a law to make you, you know. You stupid fascist fuckers.
Smoking laws. Seatbelt laws. Business regulations. Banking regulations. Your fireplace. Your toilet. There is nothing, NOTHING in your life that these pricks don't want control over. And they'll get it. Do you know why they'll get it? First, because a Canadian first minister with a majority government is the closest thing to an absolute dictator in the developed world, second, they frame as much as possible as a health care issure and third, we're a nation of pussies, too afraid to stand up for our rights.
Smoking regulations? Health care. Cook up some bullshit study about second hand smoke and you can regulate it to death.
Seatbelts? Helmets? Health care. If you get hurt, it's on the public dime, so the govt has a financial responsibility to fuck your rights.
Salt, fat, meat, and anything else that tastes good? Heart disease, diabetes and colon cancer.
Explain this to the average Canadian (and use small words so there's a chance the moron will get it), and see if he manages to draw the obvious conclusion. If you want to live free. Either leave Canada, or end the health care monopoly. That won't deal with the busy body assholes who just can't stand to see someone having fun, but it will yank the pins out from under the "Well, the govt is paying for your health care, so they have the right to tell you how to live" argument.
Of course, even if you convince the average Canadian pussy that freedom from govt health care is a good thing, he'll never actually voice the thought out loud, for fear of sounding unCanadian. There's nothing worse than be outed as being in favour of "Two Tier, American Style Health Care." Hell, I think the gutless wimps in this country think that if you express that opinion, they'll strip you of your citizenship or, worse yet, ban you from Tim Horton's for life.
Have I mentioned lately that I hate this fucking country?
Celebutard Parents Heavy Metal (Not Quite) Monday
Hmm, I see I haven't posted anything in 3 weeks. That's a whole lot of beautiful asian women in bikinis not gawked at, and 3 Heavy Metal Mondays sadly lacking in metal. And I see through site meter that people are still dropping by, and staying for several minutes. I guess I'd best get pixel to screen, here.
Let's get up a belated Heavy Metal Monday in honour of the assholes in Colorado, who pretended to accidentally launch their 6 y/o son into the stratosphere, in a homemade balloon. You know the boneheads I mean, the ones who were using it as a publicity stunt for his upcoming "reality tv" show.
First off, Mrs. Fulminandrew tells me that, due to the negative publicity, the network has pulled the plug on the show. Jeebus, I hope so. 'Tis said there is no bad publicity, but this seems to be bad enough that the shitheads are losing their show. Good.
Second, criminal charges? Don't think so. Stupidity is its own reward. Simply charge them for the costs of the search; personnel charges, equipment charges, fuel, etc. Then double or triple it for the nuisance factor. Then make sure they're civilly liable for any harm to anyone who needed the services, but couldn't get them as they were busy off on a wild goose chase. Then parade them down West Colfax in Denver, naked. Then leave them to rot in obscurity.
Third. Judas Pries on a pogo stick, people. You thought you could use a six y/o boy in a stunt like this, and the truth wouldn't come out? What are you, fucking retarded? Bill Cosby built an entire TV show around getting kids to say things their parents didn't want them to. It ain't hard.
Fourth, to our honoured members of the fourth estate, LEAVE THE POOR KID ALONE YOU JACKALS. Mrs. Fulminandrew also tells me that the poor kid is physically ill in interviews. The poor little guy knows he's done something to hurt his parents. Parents who, if they're worth a bucket of warm spit, have not punished him, in any way shape or form, for letting the cat out of the bag. Whether they have or not, he knows, and it's tearing him up. So, again, leave the poor kid alone. It's not about him, its about his shithead of a father.
You know, without going off on a rant here, let me just say that I am sick unto death with parents who think their kids exist for them. No, asspipes, that's backwards; you exist for your children. Your only raison d'etre, until they're out the door and on their own, is to get them there, reasonably intact, able to care for themselves and no burden to society. They're not your cash cows (I'm looking at you, Jo Jackson), their not you tools (Heeney family) and they sure as shit aren't your weapons (Shithead and Shithead from the Shithead and Shithead Plus Eight show).
Inspired by how fucking tired I am of celebutard parents, I give you Ozzy Osbourne.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's a love ballad, but I'm still fucking tired of celebutard parents.
As always, when I indulge in a ballad, I shall attempt to clean the palette. So, in keeping with the children of celebutards motif, here is Iron Maiden's Children of the Damned.
Let's get up a belated Heavy Metal Monday in honour of the assholes in Colorado, who pretended to accidentally launch their 6 y/o son into the stratosphere, in a homemade balloon. You know the boneheads I mean, the ones who were using it as a publicity stunt for his upcoming "reality tv" show.
First off, Mrs. Fulminandrew tells me that, due to the negative publicity, the network has pulled the plug on the show. Jeebus, I hope so. 'Tis said there is no bad publicity, but this seems to be bad enough that the shitheads are losing their show. Good.
Second, criminal charges? Don't think so. Stupidity is its own reward. Simply charge them for the costs of the search; personnel charges, equipment charges, fuel, etc. Then double or triple it for the nuisance factor. Then make sure they're civilly liable for any harm to anyone who needed the services, but couldn't get them as they were busy off on a wild goose chase. Then parade them down West Colfax in Denver, naked. Then leave them to rot in obscurity.
Third. Judas Pries on a pogo stick, people. You thought you could use a six y/o boy in a stunt like this, and the truth wouldn't come out? What are you, fucking retarded? Bill Cosby built an entire TV show around getting kids to say things their parents didn't want them to. It ain't hard.
Fourth, to our honoured members of the fourth estate, LEAVE THE POOR KID ALONE YOU JACKALS. Mrs. Fulminandrew also tells me that the poor kid is physically ill in interviews. The poor little guy knows he's done something to hurt his parents. Parents who, if they're worth a bucket of warm spit, have not punished him, in any way shape or form, for letting the cat out of the bag. Whether they have or not, he knows, and it's tearing him up. So, again, leave the poor kid alone. It's not about him, its about his shithead of a father.
You know, without going off on a rant here, let me just say that I am sick unto death with parents who think their kids exist for them. No, asspipes, that's backwards; you exist for your children. Your only raison d'etre, until they're out the door and on their own, is to get them there, reasonably intact, able to care for themselves and no burden to society. They're not your cash cows (I'm looking at you, Jo Jackson), their not you tools (Heeney family) and they sure as shit aren't your weapons (Shithead and Shithead from the Shithead and Shithead Plus Eight show).
Inspired by how fucking tired I am of celebutard parents, I give you Ozzy Osbourne.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's a love ballad, but I'm still fucking tired of celebutard parents.
As always, when I indulge in a ballad, I shall attempt to clean the palette. So, in keeping with the children of celebutards motif, here is Iron Maiden's Children of the Damned.
Celebrity Assholes,
Heavy Metal,
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
The I Wasn't Going to go There Heavy Metal Monday
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's Tuesday, but if I don't post something, it'll be two missed Heavy Metal Mondays.
I wasn't going to touch the Roman Polanski thing. It's being done to death all over the intertubes, and I doubt I'll have anything fresh to add. But, tonight when I was doing the dishes, Mrs. Fulminandrew had some entertainment "news" show on, and I heard something about a pity party for Polanski. Hmm, I should trademark that one. Anyway, not really believing my ears, I continued with the dishes until The Mrs. put The Boy to bed, fired up the 'puter and went to have a look...
Okay, yup, there it is. Hollywood is hard at work whining about the ill treatment of the old monster. You can go here, or here for the sordid details. Before really delving into it, what really struck me in the first story was the throwaway line:
Can we get one teeny, tiny detail straight here? HE FUCKING DRUGGED, RAPED AND SODOMIZED A 13 YEAR OLD GIRL. Now, what, pray tell, have the condoners got going?
The judge acted improperly...so the fuck what, he drugged, raped and sodomized a 13 y/o girl.
Her mother was a conniving cunt who was looking for a payoff... STFW, he drugged, raped and sodomized a 13 y/o girl.
He's been in exile for 32 years... first, I don't think being feted about the continent, when you're a dual French/Polish citizen, can be precisely termed "exile," but, STFW, he drugged, raped and sodomized a 13 y/o girl.
The woman doesn't want him punished any further... umm, in case I haven't said it before, STFW, he drugged, raped and sodomized her as a 13 y/o girl. This is not a civil case, it is a criminal case. The prosecution is on behalf of the people, not the victim. Why she says this, I don't know, but, judicially, it's not relevant. He did the crime, confessed to it, and then fled the jurisdiction. Extradite him and throw the book at him. Better yet, drug him and ram the book up his ass. Maybe he'll get an idea what he put the girl through.
It's at times like this I hate being an atheist. I would so love to believe that someday he will be joining Michael Jackson in the fiery pits receiving the none too tender ministrations of Satan and his barbed cock (thanks for the imagery, Your Majesty). Unfortunately, I don't believe in fairy tales, and the only punishment that piece of shit is going to receive is what we can apply. Jackson may have skated his date with cellmate Bubba, but maybe Polanski will still get his.
Now, for the heavy metal. What to choose? Where would I like this son of a bitch to be? How about spending his last night before a date with the hangman?
Hmm, I gotta dig out the old vinyl and listen to that on the headphones.
I wasn't going to touch the Roman Polanski thing. It's being done to death all over the intertubes, and I doubt I'll have anything fresh to add. But, tonight when I was doing the dishes, Mrs. Fulminandrew had some entertainment "news" show on, and I heard something about a pity party for Polanski. Hmm, I should trademark that one. Anyway, not really believing my ears, I continued with the dishes until The Mrs. put The Boy to bed, fired up the 'puter and went to have a look...
Okay, yup, there it is. Hollywood is hard at work whining about the ill treatment of the old monster. You can go here, or here for the sordid details. Before really delving into it, what really struck me in the first story was the throwaway line:
The Los Angeles District Attorney’s office released a chronology on Monday of seven previous attempts to arrest Polanski since 1978 during the director’s expected or actual visits to England, Israel, Canada and Thailand.Okay, England is done, Polanski is Jewish and I don't really see Thailand, for all that the age of consent there is 18 (seriously), extraditing him. But CANADA? Fuck, we're now giving passes to confessed child rapists, providing they make really good movies? Fuck, I've been ashamed of this piss poor excuse for a country pretty much my entire adult life, but this make me want to vomit.
Can we get one teeny, tiny detail straight here? HE FUCKING DRUGGED, RAPED AND SODOMIZED A 13 YEAR OLD GIRL. Now, what, pray tell, have the condoners got going?
The judge acted improperly...so the fuck what, he drugged, raped and sodomized a 13 y/o girl.
Her mother was a conniving cunt who was looking for a payoff... STFW, he drugged, raped and sodomized a 13 y/o girl.
He's been in exile for 32 years... first, I don't think being feted about the continent, when you're a dual French/Polish citizen, can be precisely termed "exile," but, STFW, he drugged, raped and sodomized a 13 y/o girl.
The woman doesn't want him punished any further... umm, in case I haven't said it before, STFW, he drugged, raped and sodomized her as a 13 y/o girl. This is not a civil case, it is a criminal case. The prosecution is on behalf of the people, not the victim. Why she says this, I don't know, but, judicially, it's not relevant. He did the crime, confessed to it, and then fled the jurisdiction. Extradite him and throw the book at him. Better yet, drug him and ram the book up his ass. Maybe he'll get an idea what he put the girl through.
It's at times like this I hate being an atheist. I would so love to believe that someday he will be joining Michael Jackson in the fiery pits receiving the none too tender ministrations of Satan and his barbed cock (thanks for the imagery, Your Majesty). Unfortunately, I don't believe in fairy tales, and the only punishment that piece of shit is going to receive is what we can apply. Jackson may have skated his date with cellmate Bubba, but maybe Polanski will still get his.
Now, for the heavy metal. What to choose? Where would I like this son of a bitch to be? How about spending his last night before a date with the hangman?
Hmm, I gotta dig out the old vinyl and listen to that on the headphones.
Child Molester,
Heavy Metal,
Roman Polanski,
Monday, September 14, 2009
Cancer Treatment in Canada Suck - Colour Me Shocked
So, there's a new Cancer Advocacy Coalition of Canada study out saying that access to chemotherapy drugs varies widely across the Deranged Dominion. Now, I know this can't be true, since we have single payer universal coverage, and our medical system is the bestest in the whole universe. Certainly better than eeeeevil "two tier, American style health care." At least that's what I read in the Red Star over Toronto. Therefore, treatment is equal, and first rate. The logic is inescapable. Shit.
Snark aside, what the fuck did you expect, geniuses? I blogged about Canadian tiered health care here, but the meat of it is that we have multi-tiered health care, with unequal access to care, based on geography and socio-economic conditions and connections. Why the fuck would cancer treatment be any different than simple access to a GP?
As to cancer treatment, this is the takeaway line:
America, don't let 0bama do it. Or, at least if you do, don't get cancer.
Snark aside, what the fuck did you expect, geniuses? I blogged about Canadian tiered health care here, but the meat of it is that we have multi-tiered health care, with unequal access to care, based on geography and socio-economic conditions and connections. Why the fuck would cancer treatment be any different than simple access to a GP?
As to cancer treatment, this is the takeaway line:
Want an appointment with a specialist? 7 - 13 weeks. Need treatment? After getting to see the specialist, add another 6 - 16 weeks. Do the math, 3 to 7 months from your GP to specialist treatment. Geez I hope you don't have anything serious, like pancreatic cancer (median survival 3 - 6 months).Those are averages. Canadian health care IS multi-tiered, and it IS waiting in line. Granted, I didn't mention waiting for new drugs to be approved...oh, wait, yes I did. So the reccomendations from the panel:
- Establishment of a nationwide catastrophic drug strategy to resolve access inadequacies
- Development and implementation of Canada-wide guidelines to speed up access
- Increased research to identify subsets of patients who would best benefit from new therapies
- Introduction of an ongoing evaluation process for new cancer drugs
- Incorporate patient involvement and choice into decision-making
"People are dying because of the delay in approval by Health Canada for these new drugs," said oncologist Dr. William Hyrniuk of the Cancer Advocacy Coalition.Ring a little hollow. Welcome to the party, pal, I've been screaming this for years.
America, don't let 0bama do it. Or, at least if you do, don't get cancer.
A Heavy Metal Monday Smattering of Shit
Heard on the morning news roundup. Kanye West, you're an asshole.
So, the smiliest used car salesman in Canadian politics, while claiming to be ready for an election, also says he will support the Conservatives, for the first time, if the bill to extend EI benefits "really helps workers." Bullshit. If the polling data look bad, he supports the bill, if the data look good, we go to an election. Jack O'Layton, you're an asshole.
The gawkiest American professor in Canadian politics says, "Canadians can do better," so he's going to trigger an election at the first opportunity. Nazzo fast, Guido, say other Liberals. Hmm, no one wants an election but Ignatieff, and he thinks we can do better. Is better defined as "pissing 300 million away on an election to end up with pretty much the same parliament, in order to salve Michael Ignatieff's ego?" If not, I'm thinking that, yes, Ignatieff, you're an asshole.
The fattest commie on the planet (and that's for damn sure saying something) prepares to release his latest homage to Leni Reifenstahl. This one is about the evils of capitalism. Wow, the planetoid known as Michael Moore is worth north of 50 million bucks, earned in the capitalist system, and is set to hoover a few more millions out of it with the help of the stupid and gullible, by complaining about the very system which enriched him. Michael Moore-on (no link here to that piece of shit), you're an asshole.
BTW, if you want an entertaining read, chronicling just how massive a hypocrite Micky Moron is (and not in the 48-waist-pants sense of the word), try "Do as I Say (Not as I Do)" by Peter Schweitzer.
Well, it's Heavy Metal Monday, and I'm thinking that all the assholes above need to be doing either The Thorazine Shuffle, or taking massive doses of...
Is Evanescence Heavy Metal? Well, Goth Metal, at any rate. Does that count for Heavy Metal Monday? Maybe, but since, as mentioned on a previous Heavy Metal Monday, the ballads aren't my thing, let us cleanse the palate. And ask all of the above assholes to kindly...
So, the smiliest used car salesman in Canadian politics, while claiming to be ready for an election, also says he will support the Conservatives, for the first time, if the bill to extend EI benefits "really helps workers." Bullshit. If the polling data look bad, he supports the bill, if the data look good, we go to an election. Jack O'Layton, you're an asshole.
The gawkiest American professor in Canadian politics says, "Canadians can do better," so he's going to trigger an election at the first opportunity. Nazzo fast, Guido, say other Liberals. Hmm, no one wants an election but Ignatieff, and he thinks we can do better. Is better defined as "pissing 300 million away on an election to end up with pretty much the same parliament, in order to salve Michael Ignatieff's ego?" If not, I'm thinking that, yes, Ignatieff, you're an asshole.
The fattest commie on the planet (and that's for damn sure saying something) prepares to release his latest homage to Leni Reifenstahl. This one is about the evils of capitalism. Wow, the planetoid known as Michael Moore is worth north of 50 million bucks, earned in the capitalist system, and is set to hoover a few more millions out of it with the help of the stupid and gullible, by complaining about the very system which enriched him. Michael Moore-on (no link here to that piece of shit), you're an asshole.
BTW, if you want an entertaining read, chronicling just how massive a hypocrite Micky Moron is (and not in the 48-waist-pants sense of the word), try "Do as I Say (Not as I Do)" by Peter Schweitzer.
Well, it's Heavy Metal Monday, and I'm thinking that all the assholes above need to be doing either The Thorazine Shuffle, or taking massive doses of...
Is Evanescence Heavy Metal? Well, Goth Metal, at any rate. Does that count for Heavy Metal Monday? Maybe, but since, as mentioned on a previous Heavy Metal Monday, the ballads aren't my thing, let us cleanse the palate. And ask all of the above assholes to kindly...
Heavy Metal,
Liberal Hypocrisy,
Monday, August 31, 2009
Heavy Metal Monday
Okay, Saturday night, for some reason, I had AC DC's Hell's Bells running through my head. They're not really heavy metal, more heavy metal precursors, but, what the hell it's a great f'ing tune. Live from Donington, 1999...
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
McGuinty, You're an Asshole
So, Premier McDickhead is steaming ahead, full speed, to fuck over the Cambridge Memorial Hospital. The hospital, according to the evening news, is about 5 million dollars in the red. According to the local dead tree media, it's 6.5 million in the red, and I'll use their numbers. This is all, according to Premier McGetafuckingclue, 100% totally, absolutely the hospitals fault, there's no more money, and the board will just have to make cuts to make up the shortfall. Let us see how quickly we can tear up that steaming turd.
Hospital budget: $106 million
Hospital deficit: $6.5 million
Deficit expressed as a percentage: 6.1%
Average Ontario per patient funding: $1009
Cambridge per patient funding: $730
Funding expressed as percentage of the average: 72.3%
So, McShithead, tell me again that the hospital budgetary shortfall is due to inefficiency. Just looking at those numbers indicates to me 2 things. First, that Cambridge has one of the most efficiently administered hospitals in the province. Hell, it should be a model for other hospitals, just imagine the level of care should they be given even 80% average funding. Second, you are a lying sack of shit. A boil on the body politic. A smarmy little creep who is playing politics with the lives of Cambridge residents.
You say there's no money, yet you've comitted 30 Billion dollars for health care upgrades. The Cambridge hospital is 10 fucking years overdue its sorely needed expnansion, and isn't even on the list for this money. But maybe for the next one. You oozing pustule, just because the good citizens of Cambridge don't elect Liberals to Queen's Park is no reason to train wreck their hospital, and fuck with their health care. In case you hadn't realized, everyone in this crappy country is subject to our POS, single payer health care system, and your petty partisan politics have no part in it.
In short, McCumstain, fuck of and die, you maggot.
Hospital budget: $106 million
Hospital deficit: $6.5 million
Deficit expressed as a percentage: 6.1%
Average Ontario per patient funding: $1009
Cambridge per patient funding: $730
Funding expressed as percentage of the average: 72.3%
So, McShithead, tell me again that the hospital budgetary shortfall is due to inefficiency. Just looking at those numbers indicates to me 2 things. First, that Cambridge has one of the most efficiently administered hospitals in the province. Hell, it should be a model for other hospitals, just imagine the level of care should they be given even 80% average funding. Second, you are a lying sack of shit. A boil on the body politic. A smarmy little creep who is playing politics with the lives of Cambridge residents.
You say there's no money, yet you've comitted 30 Billion dollars for health care upgrades. The Cambridge hospital is 10 fucking years overdue its sorely needed expnansion, and isn't even on the list for this money. But maybe for the next one. You oozing pustule, just because the good citizens of Cambridge don't elect Liberals to Queen's Park is no reason to train wreck their hospital, and fuck with their health care. In case you hadn't realized, everyone in this crappy country is subject to our POS, single payer health care system, and your petty partisan politics have no part in it.
In short, McCumstain, fuck of and die, you maggot.
Health Care,
Liberal Assholes,
Ontario Politics
Beautiful Asian Women; Lucy Liu
Good Riddance
I said these exact words the day that the late, unlamented and never to be sufficiently cursed Pierre f'ing Elliot f'ing Trudeau kicked it:
They say you shouldn't speak ill of the dead. Why the fuck not? The man was a drunken, philandering, murdering, treasonous, freedom hating, freedom destroying, terrorist loving piece of shit, and we are richer for his death. My only regret (other than how overdue his passing really was) is that I cannot take comfort in his eternal roast in hell, as I do not believe such a place exists.
I'm not going to say any more, as others will say it better. I'll simply leave it with Physics Geek's standard Kennedy comment, "Mary Joe Kopechne couldn’t be reached for comment."
Emperor Misha (there's more than just one post, and enjoy the comments to this one).
Bill Quick (also more than one post, visit the main site)
Ace (also more than one post, visit the main site)
Jay Currie and I seem to be on the same page
Darlene Click at Protein Wisdom is a helluva lot nicer than I
Dan Collins is at least 50% nicer than I
Serr8d has a good one
The Other McCain has some thoughts
More if and as I feel like it.
Just saw Pres-Uh-dent Uh-bam-uh on the evening news. Called Chappaquidick Ted one of the greatest Americans. By what fucking standard, President Zerobama? I know you have to lie. Hell, I know you're congenitally incapable of telling the truth, but one of the greatest Americans? Hyperbole ought to have limits. Even if you don't think he was a total piece of shit, there have been wayyyy too many great Americans to mention the Lifeguard in their company.
And City TV news bunny? It's called "News" not "Hagiography for liberal sacks of shit." Ted's dead, you can stop fellating him now.
Good riddance to bad garbage, and 40 years too late.Senator Edward "Teddy the Swimmer" "Drunken Lifeguard" "This Isn't Your Father's Buick" Kennedy has finally begun the eternal celestial dirt nap. Good. Shame it didn't occur 40 years ago.
They say you shouldn't speak ill of the dead. Why the fuck not? The man was a drunken, philandering, murdering, treasonous, freedom hating, freedom destroying, terrorist loving piece of shit, and we are richer for his death. My only regret (other than how overdue his passing really was) is that I cannot take comfort in his eternal roast in hell, as I do not believe such a place exists.
I'm not going to say any more, as others will say it better. I'll simply leave it with Physics Geek's standard Kennedy comment, "Mary Joe Kopechne couldn’t be reached for comment."
Emperor Misha (there's more than just one post, and enjoy the comments to this one).
Bill Quick (also more than one post, visit the main site)
Ace (also more than one post, visit the main site)
Jay Currie and I seem to be on the same page
Darlene Click at Protein Wisdom is a helluva lot nicer than I
Dan Collins is at least 50% nicer than I
Serr8d has a good one
The Other McCain has some thoughts
More if and as I feel like it.
Just saw Pres-Uh-dent Uh-bam-uh on the evening news. Called Chappaquidick Ted one of the greatest Americans. By what fucking standard, President Zerobama? I know you have to lie. Hell, I know you're congenitally incapable of telling the truth, but one of the greatest Americans? Hyperbole ought to have limits. Even if you don't think he was a total piece of shit, there have been wayyyy too many great Americans to mention the Lifeguard in their company.
And City TV news bunny? It's called "News" not "Hagiography for liberal sacks of shit." Ted's dead, you can stop fellating him now.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Why Canada Sucks, Part VI, Multiculturalism
Now, I've been meaning to have a go at multiculturalism for some time, but it took this Globe and Mail poll (thanks to Kathy Schaidle) to kick me into gear.
Now, first question, is multiculturalism something about Canada which sucks, or is it a cause of Canadian suckitude? Mostly the latter, I think. Let's explore.
Before the late, unlamented and never to be sufficiently cursed Pierre f'ing Elliot f'ing Trudeau set out on his one man mission to destroy this country, Canada was a unicultural country. Oh, sure, we payed lip service to being bilingual and bicultural, but let's be serious. On all the major issues of a given day, we pretty much ignored Quebec, and they pretty much ignored us.
WW1? Quebec objected, we went, and had to institute the draft to get Quebecers into uniform. WW2, ditto. Hell, the fascist himself reflected on it in his 1993 memoir with the money quote, "So there was a war on, tough." English Canada was all in on the fight to free Europe. Quebec, not so much. But we went, and dragged them along.
Then along came the French fucker and his cult of personality. So Canada lacked any great distinguishing culture. So we were neither Americans nor British, but, outside of geography, really couldn't say why. That was no goddamned reason to make it official govt policy that, since we had no culture, we'd have every culture.
Why does this matter? Because, dammit, although there may have been little to call Canadian "culture" what we had was the inheritance of the British Empire. A homogenous population, a unifying language, a common history and common assumptions. We had what the multi-culti fantasists dream of; a country where, by and large, differences can be talked away, and even if they cannot be resolved. There is, for example, no resolution between the pro- and anti-abortion crowds, or between the pro- and anti- capital punishment crowds. You fall in one camp or the other, you might even switch camps along the way, but one side or the other gets its wish. You hang Paul Bernardo, or you don't, there is no middle ground. Abortion is legal, or not, there is no middle ground. However, even though one side (and somehow, invariably, it seems to be the Liberal side) gets its way, you don't have riots in the streets.
This is, and I cannot stress this strongly enough, due to our British heritage. A trust society. Peaceful protest. Respect for the Law. Orderly transfer of power. We can make a deal and expect the terms to be fulfilled, without threat of force. We don't have revolutions because "our" people are on the outs. We do NOT shut down the Gardiner Expressway on Mother's Day just because something happened half a world away, and we're pissed off the govt didn't do anything about it.
Don't believe me? If you can't live in Europe, where would you choose to live? Not as a wealthy ex-pat living like a king, but as an immigrant. Pick a country, which has been colonized, and the more peaceful, stable and wealthy it is, the more likely it is to have been an English posession.
So, what did we do in Canada? Elected the late, unlamented and never to be sufficiently cursed Pierre f'ing Elliot f'ing Trudeau(if I should ever have the foul luck to find myself at his gravesite, there will be much pissing and dancing, oh, yes, there will be pissing and dancing galore). Yes, let us let in a flood of immigrants who share none of our heritage. Then, let us tell them that their culture is not just as good as ours, let us tell them it is superior, and that they should keep it. Then, 40 years later, let us wonder at what the hell happened to our country.
Our country is now 66% European descended, and 2% Amerindian. That leave 32% "other". But only 21% think multiculturalism is just peachy. Hmm, even a huge chunk of our immigrant population (minimum, 1/3 give or take) think it sucks. Add in a huge chunk of Liberal white guilt, and I would hazard a guess that most of our immigrant population think that multi-culti nonsense is just that, nonsense.
So why the fuck do we pursue it? Why doesn't that spineless jackass at 24 Sussex Dr. do something to end this expensive, divisive, dangerous, stupid policy? Ha HA, because of how multiculturalism makes Canada suck. It's like health care. Should our "conservative" government attempt the slightest action to slow the flushing of our country down the multi-culti shithole, the Liberals and the media (but I repeat myself) will go ape shit, and the "conservatives" will find themselves out of power again. And, because they're a pack of spineless pukes, holding on to power for its own sake is more important that using power gained to effect positive change.
And am I alone in finding it odd that a huge number of "new" Canadians object to multi-culti nonsense, yet can be relied on to vote Liberal? I mean, many of them came here to escape the kleptocrats in their own countries, so why do they vote for the kleptocrats here? I just don't fucking get it.
By the way, up there I did, indeed, call multiculturalism "dangerous." The vast majority of our immigrants live in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. And not out in the well policed, quiet, middle class or wealthy burbs, but in the diseased cores. Which of these crime ridden pissholes do you want to live in?
Now, first question, is multiculturalism something about Canada which sucks, or is it a cause of Canadian suckitude? Mostly the latter, I think. Let's explore.
Before the late, unlamented and never to be sufficiently cursed Pierre f'ing Elliot f'ing Trudeau set out on his one man mission to destroy this country, Canada was a unicultural country. Oh, sure, we payed lip service to being bilingual and bicultural, but let's be serious. On all the major issues of a given day, we pretty much ignored Quebec, and they pretty much ignored us.
WW1? Quebec objected, we went, and had to institute the draft to get Quebecers into uniform. WW2, ditto. Hell, the fascist himself reflected on it in his 1993 memoir with the money quote, "So there was a war on, tough." English Canada was all in on the fight to free Europe. Quebec, not so much. But we went, and dragged them along.
Then along came the French fucker and his cult of personality. So Canada lacked any great distinguishing culture. So we were neither Americans nor British, but, outside of geography, really couldn't say why. That was no goddamned reason to make it official govt policy that, since we had no culture, we'd have every culture.
Why does this matter? Because, dammit, although there may have been little to call Canadian "culture" what we had was the inheritance of the British Empire. A homogenous population, a unifying language, a common history and common assumptions. We had what the multi-culti fantasists dream of; a country where, by and large, differences can be talked away, and even if they cannot be resolved. There is, for example, no resolution between the pro- and anti-abortion crowds, or between the pro- and anti- capital punishment crowds. You fall in one camp or the other, you might even switch camps along the way, but one side or the other gets its wish. You hang Paul Bernardo, or you don't, there is no middle ground. Abortion is legal, or not, there is no middle ground. However, even though one side (and somehow, invariably, it seems to be the Liberal side) gets its way, you don't have riots in the streets.
This is, and I cannot stress this strongly enough, due to our British heritage. A trust society. Peaceful protest. Respect for the Law. Orderly transfer of power. We can make a deal and expect the terms to be fulfilled, without threat of force. We don't have revolutions because "our" people are on the outs. We do NOT shut down the Gardiner Expressway on Mother's Day just because something happened half a world away, and we're pissed off the govt didn't do anything about it.
Don't believe me? If you can't live in Europe, where would you choose to live? Not as a wealthy ex-pat living like a king, but as an immigrant. Pick a country, which has been colonized, and the more peaceful, stable and wealthy it is, the more likely it is to have been an English posession.
So, what did we do in Canada? Elected the late, unlamented and never to be sufficiently cursed Pierre f'ing Elliot f'ing Trudeau(if I should ever have the foul luck to find myself at his gravesite, there will be much pissing and dancing, oh, yes, there will be pissing and dancing galore). Yes, let us let in a flood of immigrants who share none of our heritage. Then, let us tell them that their culture is not just as good as ours, let us tell them it is superior, and that they should keep it. Then, 40 years later, let us wonder at what the hell happened to our country.
Our country is now 66% European descended, and 2% Amerindian. That leave 32% "other". But only 21% think multiculturalism is just peachy. Hmm, even a huge chunk of our immigrant population (minimum, 1/3 give or take) think it sucks. Add in a huge chunk of Liberal white guilt, and I would hazard a guess that most of our immigrant population think that multi-culti nonsense is just that, nonsense.
So why the fuck do we pursue it? Why doesn't that spineless jackass at 24 Sussex Dr. do something to end this expensive, divisive, dangerous, stupid policy? Ha HA, because of how multiculturalism makes Canada suck. It's like health care. Should our "conservative" government attempt the slightest action to slow the flushing of our country down the multi-culti shithole, the Liberals and the media (but I repeat myself) will go ape shit, and the "conservatives" will find themselves out of power again. And, because they're a pack of spineless pukes, holding on to power for its own sake is more important that using power gained to effect positive change.
And am I alone in finding it odd that a huge number of "new" Canadians object to multi-culti nonsense, yet can be relied on to vote Liberal? I mean, many of them came here to escape the kleptocrats in their own countries, so why do they vote for the kleptocrats here? I just don't fucking get it.
By the way, up there I did, indeed, call multiculturalism "dangerous." The vast majority of our immigrants live in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. And not out in the well policed, quiet, middle class or wealthy burbs, but in the diseased cores. Which of these crime ridden pissholes do you want to live in?
Canada Sucks,
Canadian Politics,
Heavy Metal Monday
I haven't had a good night's sleep in a week, so this week, I've gotta return to Ozzie.
And since I'm not really a "power ballad" kind of guy, as an apology, let's check in with pre-suckage Metallica rendered in the best possible of ways; with a full orchestra for backup.
And since I'm not really a "power ballad" kind of guy, as an apology, let's check in with pre-suckage Metallica rendered in the best possible of ways; with a full orchestra for backup.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Asshole Gets Another Classic Novel Removed from Curriculum
I've been lacking inspiration lately, and posting has reflected it. Fortunately, even in the dog days of summer, eventually some stupid shit is bound to come along and kick me loose from my torpor. This is in honour of said stupid shit.
Said shit for brains hails from Brampton and, concerned about language in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, complained to the school board and had the book removed from the grade 10 curriculum.
When I started this blog, I seemed to be focusing on the "Human Rights" kangaroo kourts, and their efforts to ban speech that people might find offensive. Six months later, here we are again, and I shall proceed with my usual delicate touch.
Yo, fucknuts, what the hell do you think you're doing, banning TKaM? Judas Priest on a pogostick, what are you using for brains, three day old maggot shit? I'm going to try to let you in on a couple of secrets here.
First, the era and area about which Lee was writing were racist, so to capture the flavour of the times, racist language and characters need must be used. Are you so fucking stupid you don't get that?
Second, have you even read the goddamned book? The book itself is a lesson on racism, and the evils inherent therein. Do you not get that, moron? Are you so lost to reason and sanity that, in your world, the use of the word "nigger" in a book automatically puts it beyond the pale?
Guess what, asshole, you haven't done a good thing here. The book is a pulitzer prize winning classic, and all you've done is proven that I've got house plants with better reasoning faculties than you have.
Let me sum up, TKaM is a lesson in the evils of racism. In order to accurately give that lesson, racist language was required. You got that book pulled from the curriculum, preventing your child from (1) reading a great work of art and (2) discussing the lessons therein. You also have taught your child that puling, whinging titty babies can get what they want, if they prey on white guilt, and that wimps and pussies give in.
Nice work, you fascist dickhead.
Said shit for brains hails from Brampton and, concerned about language in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, complained to the school board and had the book removed from the grade 10 curriculum.
When I started this blog, I seemed to be focusing on the "Human Rights" kangaroo kourts, and their efforts to ban speech that people might find offensive. Six months later, here we are again, and I shall proceed with my usual delicate touch.
Yo, fucknuts, what the hell do you think you're doing, banning TKaM? Judas Priest on a pogostick, what are you using for brains, three day old maggot shit? I'm going to try to let you in on a couple of secrets here.
First, the era and area about which Lee was writing were racist, so to capture the flavour of the times, racist language and characters need must be used. Are you so fucking stupid you don't get that?
Second, have you even read the goddamned book? The book itself is a lesson on racism, and the evils inherent therein. Do you not get that, moron? Are you so lost to reason and sanity that, in your world, the use of the word "nigger" in a book automatically puts it beyond the pale?
Guess what, asshole, you haven't done a good thing here. The book is a pulitzer prize winning classic, and all you've done is proven that I've got house plants with better reasoning faculties than you have.
Let me sum up, TKaM is a lesson in the evils of racism. In order to accurately give that lesson, racist language was required. You got that book pulled from the curriculum, preventing your child from (1) reading a great work of art and (2) discussing the lessons therein. You also have taught your child that puling, whinging titty babies can get what they want, if they prey on white guilt, and that wimps and pussies give in.
Nice work, you fascist dickhead.
Heavy Metal Monday
Inspired by the asshole who complained about To Kill a Mockingbird, and the school board assholes who acceded to the demand to have it pulled from the curriculum, I present to you a song whose title tells you the place I'd like to see them all end up.
Unfortunately I couldn't scare up a proper video. Be fun to see this one live.
Unfortunately I couldn't scare up a proper video. Be fun to see this one live.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
A Black Man, A White Man and a Mexican Walk Into a Summit
Hah, you think I'm going there with that lede?
Seems that at a summit of the duly elected leaders of the NAFTA countries, and 0bama, El Presidente Calderon complained to Prime Minister Halfaspine about the new visa rules. To wit, Mexicans now need a visa to visit Canada, where before they didn't.
So what? We're a sovereign sort-of-nation, and if we choose to impose visas on Mexican touristas, that's our business. Don't like it? Well, Felipe, a hearty vete a la mierda. What are you gonna do, impose visas on us? Go ahead, who spends more tourist dollars, Canadians in Mexico, or Mexicans in Canada.
And, BTW, the reason for it is the number of Mexicans who come here as tourists and claim refugee status. Yes, our refugee system is broken beyond repair (the subject of another post), but, if Mexico were a half decent place to live, rather than yet another corrutp, 3rd world shithole, maybe your citizens wouldn't feel the need to cheat their way into Canada.
C'mon, seriously, MEXICANS are fleeing to CANADA. D'you know what the weather is like here? Here's a thought, fix your own POS country rather than complain that we're making it hard for your citizens to flee.
Seems that at a summit of the duly elected leaders of the NAFTA countries, and 0bama, El Presidente Calderon complained to Prime Minister Halfaspine about the new visa rules. To wit, Mexicans now need a visa to visit Canada, where before they didn't.
So what? We're a sovereign sort-of-nation, and if we choose to impose visas on Mexican touristas, that's our business. Don't like it? Well, Felipe, a hearty vete a la mierda. What are you gonna do, impose visas on us? Go ahead, who spends more tourist dollars, Canadians in Mexico, or Mexicans in Canada.
And, BTW, the reason for it is the number of Mexicans who come here as tourists and claim refugee status. Yes, our refugee system is broken beyond repair (the subject of another post), but, if Mexico were a half decent place to live, rather than yet another corrutp, 3rd world shithole, maybe your citizens wouldn't feel the need to cheat their way into Canada.
C'mon, seriously, MEXICANS are fleeing to CANADA. D'you know what the weather is like here? Here's a thought, fix your own POS country rather than complain that we're making it hard for your citizens to flee.
Beautiful Asian Women in Bikinis
Monday, August 10, 2009
Heavy Metal Monday
Well, I've been looking for an excuse to post this. It's a video of the Russian Sukhoi Su30, vectored thrust fighter jet.
With 0bama cutting funding for the F22 and for missile defense, I think that Ozzie said it best...
With 0bama cutting funding for the F22 and for missile defense, I think that Ozzie said it best...
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Why Canada Sucks, Part V, The Wimp Factor
I was going to subtitle part five, The Pussy Factor, but this is the intertubes, and putting "Pussy" in a blog post title is likely to bring in a surfing demographic which is slightly different from the one I'm aiming at here.
I got to thinking about what utter wimps Canadians are this weekend with the story of Kenneth Gladney, who received a beat down from a group of peace loving supporters of St. Hussein of the Holy Hopenchange. Seems that Mr. Gladney had the temerity to hand out "Don't Tread on Me" flags, to those who wanted one, in protest of President Obonehead's plan to destroy the best health care system in the world.
How did this get me to thinking about what a nation of pussies we are? President 0bama told his supporter to "get in their faces," redefined conservatism as terrorism, cozied up to thugs and dictators and set about destroying the America that was. On election night, his "community organizers" patrolled the city precincts to make sure none voted against him. He nationalized the banking industry with a casual "nice bank you have there, shame if something happened to it" attitude. His attitude toward debate with the opposition, "I won."
What was the American citizenry's response? The Tea Party movment. A movement that grew so large, so fast that it is scaring the ever loving shit out of pResident 0bama and his minions. Don't believe me? Believe their actions; accuse the Tea Partiers of astroturfing, exclude them from townhall meetings, arrest them, beat them and when that doesn't work, hold the meetings in secret. The protesters' response? Keep going back for more. You know, non-pussy like, the exact opposite of Canadians.
What about Canadians? We're pussies. The late, unlamented and never to be sufficiently cursed Pierre Fucking Eliot Fucking Trudeau took away capital punishment, replacing it with "life with no chance of parole for 25 years." About 7 picoseconds later some liberal numbnuts in a black robe turned that into, "life equals 25 years," so parole is after 8 1/3. So, in place of the noose, we have 8 years in the pokey. Even Paul fucking Bernardo will be getting parole hearings, starting in 2020 at the latest, and probably in 2010 under the "faint hope" clause. Excuse me, but what the fuck is he doing still partaking in the communal oxygen.
Our response? Even 20 years later, a huge majority of Canadians wanted a return of the noose. So were we out on the streets? Yeah, right. Were we electing a government that would accede to our wishes? Like the Mulroney "Conservatives," who held a "free vote" on it in 1987 (a vote in which all members were free to vote in accord with Mulroney's Catholic conscience). Are you fucking kidding me? We got; 15 years of "capital punishment is state sanctioned murder" propaganda (yes, so what, what is your fucking point) and a flood of immigrants from countries where the "justice system" is a fucking joke. So now the surveys see support for the noose floating between 48 and 52%, and we STILL have never had an honest debate on whether we should, as a nation, execute the scum of the earth.
Pick a hot button issue. Abortion, immigration, "same sex marriage." No matter how large the majority of Canadians on the "wrong" side of the issue, the govt does precisely as it pleases and the response is a few tut tuts, and a heated letter to the editor or two.
Fucking nation of subjects (the subject of an upcoming Why Canada Sucks).
I got to thinking about what utter wimps Canadians are this weekend with the story of Kenneth Gladney, who received a beat down from a group of peace loving supporters of St. Hussein of the Holy Hopenchange. Seems that Mr. Gladney had the temerity to hand out "Don't Tread on Me" flags, to those who wanted one, in protest of President Obonehead's plan to destroy the best health care system in the world.
How did this get me to thinking about what a nation of pussies we are? President 0bama told his supporter to "get in their faces," redefined conservatism as terrorism, cozied up to thugs and dictators and set about destroying the America that was. On election night, his "community organizers" patrolled the city precincts to make sure none voted against him. He nationalized the banking industry with a casual "nice bank you have there, shame if something happened to it" attitude. His attitude toward debate with the opposition, "I won."
What was the American citizenry's response? The Tea Party movment. A movement that grew so large, so fast that it is scaring the ever loving shit out of pResident 0bama and his minions. Don't believe me? Believe their actions; accuse the Tea Partiers of astroturfing, exclude them from townhall meetings, arrest them, beat them and when that doesn't work, hold the meetings in secret. The protesters' response? Keep going back for more. You know, non-pussy like, the exact opposite of Canadians.
What about Canadians? We're pussies. The late, unlamented and never to be sufficiently cursed Pierre Fucking Eliot Fucking Trudeau took away capital punishment, replacing it with "life with no chance of parole for 25 years." About 7 picoseconds later some liberal numbnuts in a black robe turned that into, "life equals 25 years," so parole is after 8 1/3. So, in place of the noose, we have 8 years in the pokey. Even Paul fucking Bernardo will be getting parole hearings, starting in 2020 at the latest, and probably in 2010 under the "faint hope" clause. Excuse me, but what the fuck is he doing still partaking in the communal oxygen.
Our response? Even 20 years later, a huge majority of Canadians wanted a return of the noose. So were we out on the streets? Yeah, right. Were we electing a government that would accede to our wishes? Like the Mulroney "Conservatives," who held a "free vote" on it in 1987 (a vote in which all members were free to vote in accord with Mulroney's Catholic conscience). Are you fucking kidding me? We got; 15 years of "capital punishment is state sanctioned murder" propaganda (yes, so what, what is your fucking point) and a flood of immigrants from countries where the "justice system" is a fucking joke. So now the surveys see support for the noose floating between 48 and 52%, and we STILL have never had an honest debate on whether we should, as a nation, execute the scum of the earth.
Pick a hot button issue. Abortion, immigration, "same sex marriage." No matter how large the majority of Canadians on the "wrong" side of the issue, the govt does precisely as it pleases and the response is a few tut tuts, and a heated letter to the editor or two.
Fucking nation of subjects (the subject of an upcoming Why Canada Sucks).
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