Saturday, November 7, 2009

McGuinty, the Gift That Keeps on Giving

Jeebus, I've known for years that this guy was (1) stupid, (2) slimy, (3) stupid, (4) corrupt, (5) stupid (6) an asshole and, most of all (7) stupid. Just look at the blank stare, and listen to the stuttering, stumbling, monotonous delivery of boilerplate talking points from any speech he gave back when the adults were in charge of the province.

Anyway, what I never thought he'd be is the non-idiotarian blogger's gift that keeps on giving. Of course, I never expected to be a blogger. Hell, blogging didn't even exist back when I had this unflushed turd's number. But, to give the devil his due, the dumb fuck simply can't open his slack jawed pie hole without giving me the inspiration for a post.

The latest McStinkyism to inspire me to put fingers to keyboard? Mr. McShitforbrains considers it to be absolutely imperative that we all get the Mexican flu vaccination. Even though it's not properly tested. Even though it's been rushed to market. Even though the doctors' stories change on a daily basis. Yup, it's essential that we get the fucking shot.

Well, now that McBonehead has weighed in, the decision is made. No shot for the fulminatin' one. If he wants me to get it that much, it's gotta be a bad thing. That particular blind squirrel has already found his nut for the decade.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those "vaccinations are the debbil" fruitcakes. Mrs. Fulminandrew has friends who express profound regret that they got their first child all the standard childhood vaccinations. Yes, it's a crying shame that the little nipper won't die of whooping cough, or be crippled by polio, or go sterile from late contracted mumps. Mrs. F was wondering if we should get the boy his vaccinations. As she stays home with the little devil, she makes most of the decisions regarding his upbringing. BUT. But the fulminatin' one put his size 11 down there, and the little booger got his shots.

Having established my not-a-distilled-water-in-place-of-actual-medicine takin' pinhead, I gotta say, I had serious reservations about the Mexican flu shot. As noted above, too rushed, untested, changing stories, not to mention single source. So, I must now do something I thought I'd never, ever do. I must give sincere thanks to Dalton "dumber than dishwater" McGuinty for sealing the deal. Now I know the Mexican flu shot is worse than useless, and won't bother to get it.

Thanks, Dalton. You moron.

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