Monday, November 2, 2009

Heavy Metal Monday, McGuinty is a Pinhead Edition

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, calling this the "McGuinty is a Pinhead Edition" of Heavy Metal Monday really doesn't narrow down the possible topics a whole helluva lot, does it?

Let's narrow it down. The two greatest spending priorities of the provincial governments are (1) health care and (2) education. In Ontario they eat up about 3/4 of the provincial budget (1/2 for health and 1/4 for education), and the functional retard we have "running" the show in Queen's Park is fucking up both of them at this very minute.

How? I'd say. "Let me count the ways," but I have two specific examples in mind. Universal, all day babysitting for 4 and 5 year olds. Oops, I mean kindergarten. And the hatchet job the fucker is doing on the folks in Cambridge.

I gave props to Premier Ferret Face for figuring out that all boys education is an idea whose time has come. Now it's back to the brickbat.

Universal, all day kindergarten for 4 and 5 year olds, Dalton? To the (official) tune of 1.5 billion dollars per year. When, you cock smoking prick, your govt is running a 25 billion dollar deficit?

Some questions, you weasel faced street pizza: Do you really think I'm stupid enough to believe any govt's spending projections, much less a socialist piece of crap govt? Or do you just figure you need the anencephalic vote?

Do you really believe there is any educational and economic benefit to it? Or are you disturbed that you didn't get re-elected with 99% of the vote, so you need to start the statist indoctrination at 4. Hell, numbnuts, some dipshit in Washington DC wants to start kindergarten at 3. Get 'em before they're out of diapers, maybe then you can program all independant thought out of their heads.

Why are you such a lying crapweasel? This has nothing, specifically, to do with the topic to hand, I just want to know.

Considering you're about to pile probably 3 billion a year onto a budget already 25 billion in the red, just where is the money going to come from? You think that HST tax hike is going to increase revenue? Really? No increased underground economy, no driving business under or out of province? You're really gonna get all that lovely money, are you? Shithead.

I know, you can get the money by cutting health care. You can start by screwing over those impertinent bastards in Cambridge, who absolutely refuse to be good little germans and elect a Liberal.

For my reader, if you don't get the reference, I heard on the news today that the toad the province has parachuted in to shut down the Cambridge hospital...oops, I mean, balance the hospital budget, is planning on cutting 5 million from the budget. Brilliant plan. The fucking hospital is 28% underfunded. Let's see if we can't get that underfunding above the magical 1/3. Maybe then there'll be an outbreak of e difficile, or flesh eating bacteria, or the bubonic plague, and a bunch of people will die, and you can finally close the place down. That'll teach the stupid, PC voting peasants not to pay proper homage to His Royal Scungiliciousness, Dalton fucking McGuinty.

Sayyyyy, actual, real cuts to health care. The ones I showed in my last post to never have occurred in the Mike Harris years. Brought to you by the party of "protecting health care and Canadian Values," the lying, scum sucking, Liberal Piece of Shit party.

I truly hope you die a lingering and painful death, you vomitous cretin.

What in the hell am I going to choose for a song to go with this? These two latest ilLiberal moves are nuts, but I did Crazy Train last week.

Lets go back to good ol' rock and roll, heavy metal ancestors AC DC to describe where McShithead is taking us.

And for real heavy metal...gonna go to Opeth, and Ghost of Perdition, also in honour of where the spineless crapweasel is taking us. God DAMN, I hate that prick.

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