Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Liberals Really Are Lying Sacks of S**t

It was a close call for the fulminatin' one today. I was on my way home from meeting with a customer and, as I am wont to do, I turned on my local talk station. The local talker had on one of Premier McDickhead's ministers (Colleges and Technology or some such), and the "honourable minister fired off one of the standard Liberal tropes; that the Harris Tories "slashed" health care spending. The red curtain of blood descended, and I had to concentrate hard not to run into a ditch at 120 km/h.

At any rate, in reply I say, "Fuck off, fuckwit."

At greater length, have a look here. Scroll down a bit to find this chart:

Now, as I wrote to the talker, if words are to have meanings, they have to mean the same thing for everyone, leastwise if there is to be communication. In budgetary context, "cutting" is reducing spending. "Slashing" is massively reducing spending. To repeat myself, the Harris Tories increased health care spending every single year. No cutting, no slashing.

This leaves us a dichotomy. The "honourable" member either knows this, or he does not. If he knows it, he is just another lying sack of liberal shit. If he doesn't know it, he is too stupid or ill informed to be janitor in charge of replacing the urinal mints at Queen's Park, much less a minister for higher education and technology. You can probably guess which one I'm betting on.

Of course, to be charitable, he could be all of the above; stupid, ill informed, and a liar. Just not about this topic, not simultaneously.

You know what pissed me off the most, though? It wasn't that yet another McLimdick Minister lied about something. That's about as common as ice at the south pole. It wasn't the fact that the host let him get away with it. I'll be charitable and assume he simply doesn't know it to be a falsehood. It was the fact that Elizabeth Witmer, Harris' Minister of fucking Health from 1997 to 2001, was the next guest.

You can't tell me that the woman who presided over the annual budget increases didn't know that the budget, well, increased. Why the FUCK didn't she call the son of a bitch on the lie? I don't give a good fucking goddamn about collegiality, the man told a base lie about her ministry, and she let it go.

And so it enters deeper into the public consciousness, that the Harris Tories cut health care spending when they did no such fucking thing. Christ, Wikipedia flatly states that Witmer "presided over a controversial restructuring process which included a number of government cutbacks."


You know what else chafes my buns? Here we are, 6 fucking years after the lying pricks got elected, and it's still Liberal government policy to blame Harris. Hey, asspipes, guess what, it's yours, you own it. I know you're too fucking stupid to fix it, but please try not to fuck it up too much more before you get tossed out on your asses.

Shit, this ones long enough, and I haven't even gotten to Dickless Dalton's POS all day kindergarten program. Oh well, another time.

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