Monday, August 17, 2009

Asshole Gets Another Classic Novel Removed from Curriculum

I've been lacking inspiration lately, and posting has reflected it. Fortunately, even in the dog days of summer, eventually some stupid shit is bound to come along and kick me loose from my torpor. This is in honour of said stupid shit.

Said shit for brains hails from Brampton and, concerned about language in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, complained to the school board and had the book removed from the grade 10 curriculum.

When I started this blog, I seemed to be focusing on the "Human Rights" kangaroo kourts, and their efforts to ban speech that people might find offensive. Six months later, here we are again, and I shall proceed with my usual delicate touch.

Yo, fucknuts, what the hell do you think you're doing, banning TKaM? Judas Priest on a pogostick, what are you using for brains, three day old maggot shit? I'm going to try to let you in on a couple of secrets here.

First, the era and area about which Lee was writing were racist, so to capture the flavour of the times, racist language and characters need must be used. Are you so fucking stupid you don't get that?

Second, have you even read the goddamned book? The book itself is a lesson on racism, and the evils inherent therein. Do you not get that, moron? Are you so lost to reason and sanity that, in your world, the use of the word "nigger" in a book automatically puts it beyond the pale?

Guess what, asshole, you haven't done a good thing here. The book is a pulitzer prize winning classic, and all you've done is proven that I've got house plants with better reasoning faculties than you have.

Let me sum up, TKaM is a lesson in the evils of racism. In order to accurately give that lesson, racist language was required. You got that book pulled from the curriculum, preventing your child from (1) reading a great work of art and (2) discussing the lessons therein. You also have taught your child that puling, whinging titty babies can get what they want, if they prey on white guilt, and that wimps and pussies give in.

Nice work, you fascist dickhead.

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