Monday, August 24, 2009

Why Canada Sucks, Part VI, Multiculturalism

Now, I've been meaning to have a go at multiculturalism for some time, but it took this Globe and Mail poll (thanks to Kathy Schaidle) to kick me into gear.

Now, first question, is multiculturalism something about Canada which sucks, or is it a cause of Canadian suckitude? Mostly the latter, I think. Let's explore.

Before the late, unlamented and never to be sufficiently cursed Pierre f'ing Elliot f'ing Trudeau set out on his one man mission to destroy this country, Canada was a unicultural country. Oh, sure, we payed lip service to being bilingual and bicultural, but let's be serious. On all the major issues of a given day, we pretty much ignored Quebec, and they pretty much ignored us.

WW1? Quebec objected, we went, and had to institute the draft to get Quebecers into uniform. WW2, ditto. Hell, the fascist himself reflected on it in his 1993 memoir with the money quote, "So there was a war on, tough." English Canada was all in on the fight to free Europe. Quebec, not so much. But we went, and dragged them along.

Then along came the French fucker and his cult of personality. So Canada lacked any great distinguishing culture. So we were neither Americans nor British, but, outside of geography, really couldn't say why. That was no goddamned reason to make it official govt policy that, since we had no culture, we'd have every culture.

Why does this matter? Because, dammit, although there may have been little to call Canadian "culture" what we had was the inheritance of the British Empire. A homogenous population, a unifying language, a common history and common assumptions. We had what the multi-culti fantasists dream of; a country where, by and large, differences can be talked away, and even if they cannot be resolved. There is, for example, no resolution between the pro- and anti-abortion crowds, or between the pro- and anti- capital punishment crowds. You fall in one camp or the other, you might even switch camps along the way, but one side or the other gets its wish. You hang Paul Bernardo, or you don't, there is no middle ground. Abortion is legal, or not, there is no middle ground. However, even though one side (and somehow, invariably, it seems to be the Liberal side) gets its way, you don't have riots in the streets.

This is, and I cannot stress this strongly enough, due to our British heritage. A trust society. Peaceful protest. Respect for the Law. Orderly transfer of power. We can make a deal and expect the terms to be fulfilled, without threat of force. We don't have revolutions because "our" people are on the outs. We do NOT shut down the Gardiner Expressway on Mother's Day just because something happened half a world away, and we're pissed off the govt didn't do anything about it.

Don't believe me? If you can't live in Europe, where would you choose to live? Not as a wealthy ex-pat living like a king, but as an immigrant. Pick a country, which has been colonized, and the more peaceful, stable and wealthy it is, the more likely it is to have been an English posession.

So, what did we do in Canada? Elected the late, unlamented and never to be sufficiently cursed Pierre f'ing Elliot f'ing Trudeau(if I should ever have the foul luck to find myself at his gravesite, there will be much pissing and dancing, oh, yes, there will be pissing and dancing galore). Yes, let us let in a flood of immigrants who share none of our heritage. Then, let us tell them that their culture is not just as good as ours, let us tell them it is superior, and that they should keep it. Then, 40 years later, let us wonder at what the hell happened to our country.

Our country is now 66% European descended, and 2% Amerindian. That leave 32% "other". But only 21% think multiculturalism is just peachy. Hmm, even a huge chunk of our immigrant population (minimum, 1/3 give or take) think it sucks. Add in a huge chunk of Liberal white guilt, and I would hazard a guess that most of our immigrant population think that multi-culti nonsense is just that, nonsense.

So why the fuck do we pursue it? Why doesn't that spineless jackass at 24 Sussex Dr. do something to end this expensive, divisive, dangerous, stupid policy? Ha HA, because of how multiculturalism makes Canada suck. It's like health care. Should our "conservative" government attempt the slightest action to slow the flushing of our country down the multi-culti shithole, the Liberals and the media (but I repeat myself) will go ape shit, and the "conservatives" will find themselves out of power again. And, because they're a pack of spineless pukes, holding on to power for its own sake is more important that using power gained to effect positive change.

And am I alone in finding it odd that a huge number of "new" Canadians object to multi-culti nonsense, yet can be relied on to vote Liberal? I mean, many of them came here to escape the kleptocrats in their own countries, so why do they vote for the kleptocrats here? I just don't fucking get it.

By the way, up there I did, indeed, call multiculturalism "dangerous." The vast majority of our immigrants live in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. And not out in the well policed, quiet, middle class or wealthy burbs, but in the diseased cores. Which of these crime ridden pissholes do you want to live in?

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