Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tamils Take Another Opportunity to Miss an Opportunity

I was going to post this as an update to the previous post, but that one is a tad long, as is this one, so I'm putting it on its own.

Not satisfied with shutting down the Gardiner on Sunday, yesterday the Tamils shut down parts of Yonge St. and University Ave.

Okay, "ladies" and "gentlemen," I offered you some advice yesterday on winning the hearts and minds of Canadians. I suggested; shutting down the Gardiner, on Mother's Day, bad idea. I suggested you try not to fuck up Canada as badly as the pest hole you came from. I'm going to try again.

Shutting down a major egress route from downtown Toronto, during rush hour, is not winning you any friends. Seriously. If you don't believe me, read the comments at the CBC. I repeat, if you haven't got the mush brains who think the CBC is actually a news source, then you're really screwing up the PR war.

Now there is talk of you taking over a 400 series highway. Yes, let's shut down a major economic artery, at the height of a recession, to do...what? Again, what, exactly do you expect to accomplish? Even Toronto Mayor David "Dipshit" Miller has told you that the only place you might possibly affect policy is at the national level, and that would be in Ottawa. So again, what, exactly do you expect to accomplish? Or is getting the notoriously placid Canadian public pissed with you your goal? If so, why?

Oh and Premier McSpineless? For all their protests are "peaceful and legal," umm, no, they're not. They're shutting down major highways, and that is NOT legal. If you disagree, a thought experiment. A group of Neo-Nazi skinheads jump the guardrail and shut down the Gardiner. Do you stutter platitudes about peaceful protest, or do you call in the cops? If the latter, then it's a very short trip down logic lane to; the Tamil protests might be peaceful, but they sure aren't legal. Call the fucking cops, you clod.

I close with the same admonition as before. Your country is fucked. That is why you left it. This country is not fucked. If you wish to effect change in your country, find an appropriate venue, one which might actually do some good (personally, I would suggest go the fuck back and try this shit in Colombo), but stop fucking with THIS country. Oh, and lose the Tigers' flags. Seriously, they're really bad for your image.

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