Saturday, May 2, 2009

National Offend A Feminist Week

The Other McCain: National Offend A Feminist Week

It's The Other McCains' offend a feminist week. I'm too new at this blogging thing to try embedding anything, and most of the jokes that I can think of would not only offend feminists, but offend me, too.

I don't want simply to link to some other guy who's done something that would piss them off for me, (although Neal Boortz has a nice optical illusion here).

I also don't want just to slap together a bunch of quotes from better writers than I, although Kipling did give us a good one with, "A woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke."


Has anybody ever said the following?

"If God did not intend for women to be barefoot and pregnant, why was each and every one of them born naked, with a uterus?"

If no one has, consider me your source. Oh, and, since I'm Canadian, I think this just became International Offend a Feminist Week.


At Stacy McCain's suggestion, I have signed up for Technorati and SiteMeter. Thanks, Mr. McCain.

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