Anyhoo, before getting to what I actually want to write about, to all you people calling Canada "The greatest country in the world," and I do hear that several times a year, I say to you all a hearty FUCK OFF.
Canada may once have been great. Canada certainly once had great potential. Then Canada had the late, unlamented and never to be sufficiently cursed Pierre fucking Eliot fucking Trudeau. Whatever greatness we might have had, whatever greatness we might have achieved, was promptly flushed straight down the shitter. Take any measure of greatness you care to name, and Canada AIN'T number one.
Fuck, great countries do not rename their national holidays. Independence day, unchanged in 234 years, Bastille Day, unchanged in 221 years. Dominion Day, renamed illegally in 1982 under the auspices of, you guessed it, the late, unlamented and never to be sufficiently cursed Pierre fucking Eliot fucking Trudeau.
Great countries do not willy nilly replace their flags with a trademark created in the image of the political party in power (hint, the fucker is red, and the fucking Liberals think of themselves as Canada's "natural governing party"). Hell, great countries don't have "natural governing parties," banana republics do. And great countries do not consider themselves great because of socialist bullshit passed by the likes of PET's rancid piece of shit predecessor, Lester Pearson. You know, the guy who, in addition to foisting that stupid fucking "flag" on us, gave us Canada Health care, nationalized student loans and the Canada Pension Plan. In his defense, he was aided and abetted by the foul Commie pusbag known as Tommy Douglas. So, you know, it's not just the LUANTBSCPFEFT Liberals who are to blame for Canada's fall from near/potentially great to Banana republic. There were other Liberal, the NDP, and the stupid fucks who voted for them.
Anyway, this is a flag:

This is a trademark:

Why, just last week we hosted the G7 and G20 conferences. I saw surveys about how admired we are by various third world pissholes. Great countries are not admired. They are feared. They are envied. To be a nation "admired" is to be a second rater, a once was, a never was, or a never could have been.
Oh, yes, Canadians are so polite. And they breed such fine hockey players. And they lose with such grace. And they have no ability whatsoever to project power, so they can't push back when we fuck with them. I do admire them so. Pussies.
Fuck it, on to the topic to hand.
Seems during the G20 our illustrious "conservative" Prime Minister saw fit to piss a billion dollars away on security. Much of that went to the Toronto gun totin' bureaucrat force, for extra special, super duper ninja equipment. Which they put to good use as they stood around while police cars burned. Nice work officers, sorry you forgot the marshmallows and wieners.
That's okay, though, at least they made up for letting violent thugs destroy property, both private and public, while publicly humiliating them (the cops) by harassing middle aged people with video cameras. And wearing the dreaded black t-shirt, blocks away from the protests. That third link certainly provides an interesting set of comments. "Oh, jeez Mike, if you'd only bent over and let them anally do you, then they wouldn't have been at all rude. And it's all your own fault anyway, because you were there, wearing a black t shirt."
I'm going to swing the clue bat here, people. THE FUCKING POLICE ARE FUCKING PUBLIC SERVANTS. YOU CAN BE AS RUDE AND OBNOXIOUS TO THEM AS YOU WANT, AND THEIR JOB, SO LONG AS YOU ARE NOT BREAKING THE LAW, IS TO SMILE, SWALLOW YOUR BULLSHIT AND SAY, "Mmm, yummy, thank you sir, have a nice day." Anything else, ANYTHING else, is a violation of your natural rights. Not your "Charter Rights," the Charter is a badly written piece of shit foisted on us by, yes, the late, unlamented and never to be sufficiently cursed Pierre fucking Eliot fucking Trudeau. Mike Brock wasn't breaking the law, and they don't get to arrest you, they don't get to detain you, they don't get to be fucking rude to you, if you're not breaking the law.
I know, I know, it's a tough job, the Black Bloc was out, they only want to get home safe...blah, blah, blah. Don't like the job? Don't take it. Or quit. I'll say it again, police are public servants. They work for us, they don't rule us. So I'll say it again. Don't like the job? Tough shit, no one drafted you. You want to swagger around packing heat? Well, there's a downside. Don't like the downside? Quit so we can hire someone who isn't a flaming asshole.
Ownership of your body. Ownership of your time, the fruits of your labours, the right to defend same, by whatever means, and with whatever violence necessary. Speech, conscience, worship, assembly. These are rights, but without property rights (the first three listed), they are vapour. We. Don't. Have. Property. Rights. Or, rather, we (naturally) have property rights, but our constitution and government are set up to abrogate and violate those rights in minute detail.
Hmm, I was intending this to be a missive on trust in society, and I was going to link it to the G20, and maybe tie in Caledonia, and the massive suckitude of Canada due to the breakdown of trust in society. And how the break down in trust leads to a bunker mentality with the police leading to bullshit as mentioned above. I also had some thoughts on law and order, and it's erosion in the breakdown of the trust society, and how the fucking leftoids have wreaked havoc on it with the over legislated, over regulated state, but I'm out of steam.
Fuck it, here's some more Ozzie. Have I already done "Crazy Train?" If so, here it is again.
And some more Arch Enemy. Have I already done "Blood on Your Hands?" If so, here it is again.
Maybe some Goth Metal next time.