Have I already used that title for a post? I don't think so, I haven't called the seedy little shit we have for a premier Hitler yet. I think. Oh, well, I'm not a real believer in Godwin's law anyway, so fuck it. You don't like me likening him to a fascist, maybe he shouldn't act like one. Fuck off out of the country and have his henchmen ram one of the greatest tax hikes in provincial history through by procedural manouvre? And then have the sheer unmitigated fucking gall to tell us how good it's going to be for us? Fuck off Dalton. May I call you Dalton? I know in polite company you don't call a man by his first name unless he asks you to, but, well, I'm not feeling very polite, so fuck it, and fuck you, Dalton.
Anyway, the corrupt little fuck is off pissing our tax dollars away on a junket to India. I guess protocol required he take his fingers out of his ears and stop screaming, "La la la la, I can't hear you objecting to the HST, la la la la" At least long enough to say, "Fuck off taxpayers, I'll do what I want, I'm a Liberal with a majority government." I quote from memory.
Seriously, though, the incompetent, functional retard said basically that, although he phrased it more along the lines of, "We're going to bring in the HST because a modern Ontario needs a modern tax system, and this will help make us competitive going forward." Umm, dickhead, how, exactly? And feel free to use one syllable words, since, well, that's all your stunted intellect can handle, anyway.
If we're lucky, we're just easing out of a really bad recession. Raising taxes is one REALLY good way to take a fragile recovery and guarantee that it's merely the upswing of a double dip recession. Jeebus, this jackass has the "How to turn a cyclic recession into a major depression" handbook, and he's running it step by step.
Idiotic spending and borrowing levels. Check.
Major new spending initiatives. Check.
Disappear money down the corruptocrat rat hole. Check.
Raise taxes. Check.
Great, zippy, just fucking great. Mrs. Fulminandrew and I are doing okay. Not great, but okay; we're making it through, but this extra thousand bucks you're going to hoover out of our pockets is going to hurt. I can't imagine what it's going to do to the poor bastards on EI, fixed income, pensions, or scraping by paycheck to paycheck.
They say you get the government you deserve. That's bullshit. The stupid fuckers who voted Liberal and NDP get the government they deserve. What the fuck did I, and all the other actually productive residents of Ontario, do to deserve the Dalton McGuinty BOHICA treatment? They got the govt they deserve, but they're taking my anus along for the ride, and I really, really don't fucking appreciate it.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
We're Number 29, We're Number 29...
Yes, dear reader, the Maple Pucks managed to squeeze out a win against the Islanders. Woo hoo, they've managed to scrape and claw their way to within one point of 28th place. Yes, after their vaunted points in, what, 8 of the last 10 games they've moved up from a tenuous hold on 29th to having an absolute LOCK on 29th place. Yay.
One point to a three way tie for 26th, 2 points to a 5 way tie for 21st and, god help me, only 5 points out of a playoff spot. Seriously? 3 more wins and they could (theoretically, if not practically) be sitting in a playoff position. Be still my heart.
But, on the off chance a Leaf fan is reading this, let's keep it real. I wrote that they'd have a decent shot at the playoffs this year, although would not be a shoo in, and an early exit. Hey, all I want is for Boston's first round "Kessel" pick not be in the top 5. It's not that I have anything in particular against Boston, it's not even that I have anything in particular against Boston fans. Hell, it's not that I have anything in particular against the die hard Maple Puck heads (dumb though they are). It's just that I can't stand the die hard Leaf haters. I. Just. Can't. Fucking. Stand. Them.
Look, assholes, we all know the Leafs suck. We all know the organization will turn a profit no matter what. And we all know the reasons for it (which I will not go into here). We also know you hate the Leafs, and no, excepting the real morons, we are not planning the parade route. So shut the fuck up already. They're playing reasonably well, they're entertaining to watch, and they generally aren't stinking up the joint. So, seriously, shut the fuck up and let us enjoy the game.
One point to a three way tie for 26th, 2 points to a 5 way tie for 21st and, god help me, only 5 points out of a playoff spot. Seriously? 3 more wins and they could (theoretically, if not practically) be sitting in a playoff position. Be still my heart.
But, on the off chance a Leaf fan is reading this, let's keep it real. I wrote that they'd have a decent shot at the playoffs this year, although would not be a shoo in, and an early exit. Hey, all I want is for Boston's first round "Kessel" pick not be in the top 5. It's not that I have anything in particular against Boston, it's not even that I have anything in particular against Boston fans. Hell, it's not that I have anything in particular against the die hard Maple Puck heads (dumb though they are). It's just that I can't stand the die hard Leaf haters. I. Just. Can't. Fucking. Stand. Them.
Look, assholes, we all know the Leafs suck. We all know the organization will turn a profit no matter what. And we all know the reasons for it (which I will not go into here). We also know you hate the Leafs, and no, excepting the real morons, we are not planning the parade route. So shut the fuck up already. They're playing reasonably well, they're entertaining to watch, and they generally aren't stinking up the joint. So, seriously, shut the fuck up and let us enjoy the game.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Why Canada Sucks, Marc Lepine Memorial Day Edition
How on earth did I miss it. I posted a bunch of the usual random nonsense yesterday, and yet managed to miss Gamil Garbi Memorial Day. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's not what the hed says, it says "Marc Lepine" Memorial Day. That's only because the M(uslim) S(ucking) M(edia) has been whitewashing mooselimb violence a lot longer than since 9-11. He was born Gamil Garbi and self identified as a Muslim, and I'm damned if I'm going to fall into the femifister narrative and call him Lepine.
Reading Cathy Schaidle I found out that, a mere 20 years later, 7 years after Mark Steyn first noted it, the M(oronically) S(tupid) M(edia) has dipped its big toe in the pool, noting that Garbi was raised by a Muslim. Not, mind you, as Steyn puts it a bit more accurately:
What are they? Let's hearken back to here, and start with, we're a nation of pussies. Garbi walked in the door and ordered the men out. Out they went, and the shooting began. Anyone go back? Come on, you all know the story, it's told about 68 billion times every "never hear the end of it month" (thank you for that one Cathy Schaidle, I bloody love it); no one went back, the "rampage" ended when Garbi killed himself.
So, we're a nation of pussies. A fundamental precept of our society used to be "women and children first." Thanks to the late, unlamented and never to be sufficiently cursed Pierre Fucking Eliot Fucking Trudeau (I don't really know how much can truly be laid at his feet, I just like typing the phrase, and what the hell, the arrogant prick was responsible for so much of the ruination of this country that it just seems appropriate), and 40 years of total state mandated pussification, the women got thrown under the bus. Any society which does not seek to protect the women and children at the expense of the men is doomed. So, how's that for an implication of Gamil Garbi Memorial Day? It exposes a major fault which dooms us.
What else? Who got killed? The women. Why? Because the men were pussies. Why? Because we've pussified our society. At whose behest? The women. Holy "be careful what you wish for, Feminazis, you might just get it." The annoying "all men are rapists" crowd has pushed for the castration of the western male for my entire lifetime. Well, bitches, you got it. How do you like the taste? Ooooh, if I actually had readers, I'd probably catch me some shit for that one.
Let's look at that some more. Garbi's complaint was that the feminists were keeping him down.
Used to was that engineering was a man's profession. Used to was that nursing was a woman's profession. The "sex barrier" in one of these has suffered a full frontal assault from the forces of stupidity, going back to before I went to university. Hmmm, I wonder if there was actual merit in his claim that the feminists were keeping him down. Nah, the fact that he was dumber than Obama was what was keeping him down, but having been raised as he was, and seeing that women get preferential admissions to university, and especially engineering (which he wanted to attend) gave him his battle cry.
Lesson to be learned? None. Sexist admissions policies are unfair, unjust and an abrogation of the natural rights of man, but they don't justify mass murder, and we shouldn't be taking Garbi's excuse at face value anyway. The man was a fucking psycho, raised to hate women, and a fucking 'tard to boot. There's your lesson, psychos are psychos.
And that means you, too, fisters. His "the feminists are keeping me down" rhetoric is not a club you can use to beat all men. Which is actually a good lesson to take from this, to wit, don't blame classes of people for the acts of individuals. Of course, the fister 'tards aren't going to learn that particular lesson. They'd have to have actual brain cells for that.
So, why use this for a "Why Canada Sucks" post? What was the response to Garbi's rampage? Well, we lower the flags to half mast in his honour. We've implemented more male pussification and done so more aggressively. We've got more gun control (and every day I seem to read about another shooting in Toronto. How's that 2 billion dollar gun registry working out for ya?). And we've got ever more endless rhetoric about how awful men are.
Yes, because the son of a woman hatin' wife beater turned out to be a woman hater, I must self-flaggelate every Dec. 6 to purge the original sin of having a penis. Guess what, I ain't gonna. Real men don't beat women, and I'm not going to apologize for having testicles just because someone with testicles did something bad. Instead, I'm going to insist, starting on this 20th anniversary, that the Feminazi fister retards start apologizing for the castration of the Canadian male, and begging forgiveness for being the root cause of the Ecole Polytechnique massacre.
Oh, and if you're still with me to this point, why do I call it Marc Lepine Memorial Day? Name one of his victims. They've disappeared from the narrative, and all that's left is Garbi (in his French Canadian form). And the Feminazi fister retards can also start apologizing for that.
Reading Cathy Schaidle I found out that, a mere 20 years later, 7 years after Mark Steyn first noted it, the M(oronically) S(tupid) M(edia) has dipped its big toe in the pool, noting that Garbi was raised by a Muslim. Not, mind you, as Steyn puts it a bit more accurately:
M. Lepine was born Gamil Gharbi, the son of an Algerian Muslim wife-beater, whose brutalized spouse told the court at their divorce hearing that her husband "had a total disdain for women and believed they were intended only to serve men."Wow, welcome to the party, geniuses. And, of course, you must stop there. Don't note that bit about taking the French name as an adult. Noooo, that would really fuck up the standard "all men are rapists in waiting" narrative. If that narrative crashes down then you're going to have to look at the implications.
What are they? Let's hearken back to here, and start with, we're a nation of pussies. Garbi walked in the door and ordered the men out. Out they went, and the shooting began. Anyone go back? Come on, you all know the story, it's told about 68 billion times every "never hear the end of it month" (thank you for that one Cathy Schaidle, I bloody love it); no one went back, the "rampage" ended when Garbi killed himself.
So, we're a nation of pussies. A fundamental precept of our society used to be "women and children first." Thanks to the late, unlamented and never to be sufficiently cursed Pierre Fucking Eliot Fucking Trudeau (I don't really know how much can truly be laid at his feet, I just like typing the phrase, and what the hell, the arrogant prick was responsible for so much of the ruination of this country that it just seems appropriate), and 40 years of total state mandated pussification, the women got thrown under the bus. Any society which does not seek to protect the women and children at the expense of the men is doomed. So, how's that for an implication of Gamil Garbi Memorial Day? It exposes a major fault which dooms us.
What else? Who got killed? The women. Why? Because the men were pussies. Why? Because we've pussified our society. At whose behest? The women. Holy "be careful what you wish for, Feminazis, you might just get it." The annoying "all men are rapists" crowd has pushed for the castration of the western male for my entire lifetime. Well, bitches, you got it. How do you like the taste? Ooooh, if I actually had readers, I'd probably catch me some shit for that one.
Let's look at that some more. Garbi's complaint was that the feminists were keeping him down.
Used to was that engineering was a man's profession. Used to was that nursing was a woman's profession. The "sex barrier" in one of these has suffered a full frontal assault from the forces of stupidity, going back to before I went to university. Hmmm, I wonder if there was actual merit in his claim that the feminists were keeping him down. Nah, the fact that he was dumber than Obama was what was keeping him down, but having been raised as he was, and seeing that women get preferential admissions to university, and especially engineering (which he wanted to attend) gave him his battle cry.
Lesson to be learned? None. Sexist admissions policies are unfair, unjust and an abrogation of the natural rights of man, but they don't justify mass murder, and we shouldn't be taking Garbi's excuse at face value anyway. The man was a fucking psycho, raised to hate women, and a fucking 'tard to boot. There's your lesson, psychos are psychos.
And that means you, too, fisters. His "the feminists are keeping me down" rhetoric is not a club you can use to beat all men. Which is actually a good lesson to take from this, to wit, don't blame classes of people for the acts of individuals. Of course, the fister 'tards aren't going to learn that particular lesson. They'd have to have actual brain cells for that.
So, why use this for a "Why Canada Sucks" post? What was the response to Garbi's rampage? Well, we lower the flags to half mast in his honour. We've implemented more male pussification and done so more aggressively. We've got more gun control (and every day I seem to read about another shooting in Toronto. How's that 2 billion dollar gun registry working out for ya?). And we've got ever more endless rhetoric about how awful men are.
Yes, because the son of a woman hatin' wife beater turned out to be a woman hater, I must self-flaggelate every Dec. 6 to purge the original sin of having a penis. Guess what, I ain't gonna. Real men don't beat women, and I'm not going to apologize for having testicles just because someone with testicles did something bad. Instead, I'm going to insist, starting on this 20th anniversary, that the Feminazi fister retards start apologizing for the castration of the Canadian male, and begging forgiveness for being the root cause of the Ecole Polytechnique massacre.
Oh, and if you're still with me to this point, why do I call it Marc Lepine Memorial Day? Name one of his victims. They've disappeared from the narrative, and all that's left is Garbi (in his French Canadian form). And the Feminazi fister retards can also start apologizing for that.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
What to Write About? Don't Worry, There Will be Beautiful Asian Women in Bikinis, and Heavy Metal
Well, the fulminatin' one has been on hiatus for a bit. No particular reason for it, and certainly no lack of material or inspiration. I've just been too bloody lazy to log on and post something. So, let's take a shotgun approach to the last couple of weeks.
Family...You might think that having 5 couples, with 8 children under six, in our small abode for 5 hours would be rough on a man whose sufferance of fools is perhaps a touch lacking. Yes, you might think that, but last week, under those conditions, I had a blast. Damn, but I love kids. Whether they're little wiggly blobs whose eyes barely focus, or six year olds kicking my ass at Wii golf, if they've got good parents (and all the kids in question do) they are a joy.
Okay, I've got the sappy shit out of the way now.
So, in order to prepare for the above mentioned gathering, Mrs. Fulminandrew and I had to clean up the pigsty in which we live. It's amazing how quickly one 2 year old can turn an otherwise tidy abode into a disaster area, but The Boy manages. And to keep his curious little paws off of things, stuff just gets shoved into places he can't access, like my study. 8 bleeding hours or more to clean it out enough for company. And that's aside from the rest of the joint. Part of the reason for the hiatus was simply tidying up.
The Mrs. asked me, "Should we entertain more, or not at all?" Now, being the antisocial bastard you may have figgered me to be, and considering the work necessary to get the place ready for company, you might expect my answer was "Not at all." Quite the contrary. I'm not really antisocial, I'm anti-idiot. My wife has excellent taste in friends (her taste in sisters, and husbands, might be a bit suspect), not a jackass among them, so I had a grand time. So, entertain more, to force us to (a) keep the place tidier and (b) throw out shit that dearly needs throwing out.
Okay, enough with the personal...Hockey.
Well, Leafs nation, the suckage quotient of the boys in blue and white is slightly less these days. Yes, they got creamed by Boston last night, but Boston is a real team, not an AHL team with delusions. And, yes, they got embarassed by Buffalo, but I believe it's in the Maple Leafs charter that they have to suck against the Sabres. Dunno why, but there you go. Outside of that, they've managed to get within 7 (seven!!!) points of a playoff spot. They even "won" a shootout (and isn't that a dumb fucking way to end a team game?) for a change. They'll still be in tough to make the playoffs, but I posted on that earlier. Anyway, they've been generally more entertaining (and in a positive way).
Now on to the meaty stuff...Boy are Canadians a pack of dumb fucks.
So, Dalton McFerretFace is out to jack up our taxes to the tune of better than $1000 per family, per year. He's gonna do this while sticking his greasy, corrupt fingers in his ears shouting "Lalalalala I can't hear anybody objecting to the HST." He's gonna do this while offering a one time bribe of $1000 dollars of our own money to swallow it. And he's gonna do this all the while telling us how increasing taxes is going to help us economically. I know the guy's a complete fucktard, but, does everyone else have to be?
Let us think about this. First, everything that has GST will now have PST. That's where the extra $1000 per comes in. That's money out of your pocket and into the coffers at Queen's park. You know, the place that just magically made 25 BILLION dollars disappear. While finding 2.5 billion dollars to gift to the teacher's unions (more on that later). Now, money out of your pocket to be invested pissed away by the govt equals slower economic growth. Why? Because govt is incompetent, and Liberal government is fucking incompetent.
Oh, and Mr. Harper, I know you've been on about harmonizing the sales taxes since before you were elected. And I know, in theory, it's actually a good idea. But the timing here sucks, and the GST is too broadly based. If we add 8% to everything not covered by the GST, the Ontario economy is going straight down the shitter. And, I know you're from west (at least of late) but Ontario is still the 800 pound gorilla in the Canadian economy. Narrow the base of the GST (bad), or tell that shit for brains in Queen's Park to lower the provincial chunk to 6 - 7% (g00d).
Now, let us throw into the mix the national campaign to stop the new TV tax of "up to $10 a month." Ooh, yeah, let's fight a $100 tax, while meekly bending over to take a $1000 tax, good and hard. Especially a $100 tax that you don't have to pay. I won't be paying it. Guess why not. That's right, I don't have fucking cable. You think I want to drop 40, 50 bucks a month or more on the brain rotting shite on TV? Anyone who doesn't want to pay the tax, cancel your cable, or satellite. Presto, no tax. Now, how are you going to do this with McShithead's HST? (crickets chirp)
Wake the fuck up, people, TV is not a necessity. Heating oil and electricity are.
Health care.
So, the cocksmoker that McFuck-off-and-die-Cambridge-residents sent to fuck up their hospital even more has determined that the way to balance the %28 under funded budget is to...cut services. Good thing we have Liberals in charge of our health care, 'cause, you know, those damned conservatives cut health care to the bone and the Liberals, well, they would never make health care cuts, right? (there go those fucking crickets again)
Oh, and on the topic of the Harris Tories' health care cuts. The following graph is from the Ontario 2000 budget.

Do you see a cut to health care spending there? Anyone? The next time some Liberal cocksmoker whinges on about the Tories cutting health care, well, now you know the truth. For more on that graph, go here.
Have I fulminated enough? For now, perhaps.
On the plus side, I shall leave you with Arisa Oda...


And a classic from the Oz man.
Family...You might think that having 5 couples, with 8 children under six, in our small abode for 5 hours would be rough on a man whose sufferance of fools is perhaps a touch lacking. Yes, you might think that, but last week, under those conditions, I had a blast. Damn, but I love kids. Whether they're little wiggly blobs whose eyes barely focus, or six year olds kicking my ass at Wii golf, if they've got good parents (and all the kids in question do) they are a joy.
Okay, I've got the sappy shit out of the way now.
So, in order to prepare for the above mentioned gathering, Mrs. Fulminandrew and I had to clean up the pigsty in which we live. It's amazing how quickly one 2 year old can turn an otherwise tidy abode into a disaster area, but The Boy manages. And to keep his curious little paws off of things, stuff just gets shoved into places he can't access, like my study. 8 bleeding hours or more to clean it out enough for company. And that's aside from the rest of the joint. Part of the reason for the hiatus was simply tidying up.
The Mrs. asked me, "Should we entertain more, or not at all?" Now, being the antisocial bastard you may have figgered me to be, and considering the work necessary to get the place ready for company, you might expect my answer was "Not at all." Quite the contrary. I'm not really antisocial, I'm anti-idiot. My wife has excellent taste in friends (her taste in sisters, and husbands, might be a bit suspect), not a jackass among them, so I had a grand time. So, entertain more, to force us to (a) keep the place tidier and (b) throw out shit that dearly needs throwing out.
Okay, enough with the personal...Hockey.
Well, Leafs nation, the suckage quotient of the boys in blue and white is slightly less these days. Yes, they got creamed by Boston last night, but Boston is a real team, not an AHL team with delusions. And, yes, they got embarassed by Buffalo, but I believe it's in the Maple Leafs charter that they have to suck against the Sabres. Dunno why, but there you go. Outside of that, they've managed to get within 7 (seven!!!) points of a playoff spot. They even "won" a shootout (and isn't that a dumb fucking way to end a team game?) for a change. They'll still be in tough to make the playoffs, but I posted on that earlier. Anyway, they've been generally more entertaining (and in a positive way).
Now on to the meaty stuff...Boy are Canadians a pack of dumb fucks.
So, Dalton McFerretFace is out to jack up our taxes to the tune of better than $1000 per family, per year. He's gonna do this while sticking his greasy, corrupt fingers in his ears shouting "Lalalalala I can't hear anybody objecting to the HST." He's gonna do this while offering a one time bribe of $1000 dollars of our own money to swallow it. And he's gonna do this all the while telling us how increasing taxes is going to help us economically. I know the guy's a complete fucktard, but, does everyone else have to be?
Let us think about this. First, everything that has GST will now have PST. That's where the extra $1000 per comes in. That's money out of your pocket and into the coffers at Queen's park. You know, the place that just magically made 25 BILLION dollars disappear. While finding 2.5 billion dollars to gift to the teacher's unions (more on that later). Now, money out of your pocket to be
Oh, and Mr. Harper, I know you've been on about harmonizing the sales taxes since before you were elected. And I know, in theory, it's actually a good idea. But the timing here sucks, and the GST is too broadly based. If we add 8% to everything not covered by the GST, the Ontario economy is going straight down the shitter. And, I know you're from west (at least of late) but Ontario is still the 800 pound gorilla in the Canadian economy. Narrow the base of the GST (bad), or tell that shit for brains in Queen's Park to lower the provincial chunk to 6 - 7% (g00d).
Now, let us throw into the mix the national campaign to stop the new TV tax of
Wake the fuck up, people, TV is not a necessity. Heating oil and electricity are.
Health care.
So, the cocksmoker that McFuck-off-and-die-Cambridge-residents sent to fuck up their hospital even more has determined that the way to balance the %28 under funded budget is to...cut services. Good thing we have Liberals in charge of our health care, 'cause, you know, those damned conservatives cut health care to the bone and the Liberals, well, they would never make health care cuts, right? (there go those fucking crickets again)
Oh, and on the topic of the Harris Tories' health care cuts. The following graph is from the Ontario 2000 budget.

Do you see a cut to health care spending there? Anyone? The next time some Liberal cocksmoker whinges on about the Tories cutting health care, well, now you know the truth. For more on that graph, go here.
Have I fulminated enough? For now, perhaps.
On the plus side, I shall leave you with Arisa Oda...


And a classic from the Oz man.
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