Okay, Saturday night, for some reason, I had AC DC's Hell's Bells running through my head. They're not really heavy metal, more heavy metal precursors, but, what the hell it's a great f'ing tune. Live from Donington, 1999...
Monday, August 31, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
McGuinty, You're an Asshole
So, Premier McDickhead is steaming ahead, full speed, to fuck over the Cambridge Memorial Hospital. The hospital, according to the evening news, is about 5 million dollars in the red. According to the local dead tree media, it's 6.5 million in the red, and I'll use their numbers. This is all, according to Premier McGetafuckingclue, 100% totally, absolutely the hospitals fault, there's no more money, and the board will just have to make cuts to make up the shortfall. Let us see how quickly we can tear up that steaming turd.
Hospital budget: $106 million
Hospital deficit: $6.5 million
Deficit expressed as a percentage: 6.1%
Average Ontario per patient funding: $1009
Cambridge per patient funding: $730
Funding expressed as percentage of the average: 72.3%
So, McShithead, tell me again that the hospital budgetary shortfall is due to inefficiency. Just looking at those numbers indicates to me 2 things. First, that Cambridge has one of the most efficiently administered hospitals in the province. Hell, it should be a model for other hospitals, just imagine the level of care should they be given even 80% average funding. Second, you are a lying sack of shit. A boil on the body politic. A smarmy little creep who is playing politics with the lives of Cambridge residents.
You say there's no money, yet you've comitted 30 Billion dollars for health care upgrades. The Cambridge hospital is 10 fucking years overdue its sorely needed expnansion, and isn't even on the list for this money. But maybe for the next one. You oozing pustule, just because the good citizens of Cambridge don't elect Liberals to Queen's Park is no reason to train wreck their hospital, and fuck with their health care. In case you hadn't realized, everyone in this crappy country is subject to our POS, single payer health care system, and your petty partisan politics have no part in it.
In short, McCumstain, fuck of and die, you maggot.
Hospital budget: $106 million
Hospital deficit: $6.5 million
Deficit expressed as a percentage: 6.1%
Average Ontario per patient funding: $1009
Cambridge per patient funding: $730
Funding expressed as percentage of the average: 72.3%
So, McShithead, tell me again that the hospital budgetary shortfall is due to inefficiency. Just looking at those numbers indicates to me 2 things. First, that Cambridge has one of the most efficiently administered hospitals in the province. Hell, it should be a model for other hospitals, just imagine the level of care should they be given even 80% average funding. Second, you are a lying sack of shit. A boil on the body politic. A smarmy little creep who is playing politics with the lives of Cambridge residents.
You say there's no money, yet you've comitted 30 Billion dollars for health care upgrades. The Cambridge hospital is 10 fucking years overdue its sorely needed expnansion, and isn't even on the list for this money. But maybe for the next one. You oozing pustule, just because the good citizens of Cambridge don't elect Liberals to Queen's Park is no reason to train wreck their hospital, and fuck with their health care. In case you hadn't realized, everyone in this crappy country is subject to our POS, single payer health care system, and your petty partisan politics have no part in it.
In short, McCumstain, fuck of and die, you maggot.
Health Care,
Liberal Assholes,
Ontario Politics
Beautiful Asian Women; Lucy Liu
Good Riddance
I said these exact words the day that the late, unlamented and never to be sufficiently cursed Pierre f'ing Elliot f'ing Trudeau kicked it:
They say you shouldn't speak ill of the dead. Why the fuck not? The man was a drunken, philandering, murdering, treasonous, freedom hating, freedom destroying, terrorist loving piece of shit, and we are richer for his death. My only regret (other than how overdue his passing really was) is that I cannot take comfort in his eternal roast in hell, as I do not believe such a place exists.
I'm not going to say any more, as others will say it better. I'll simply leave it with Physics Geek's standard Kennedy comment, "Mary Joe Kopechne couldn’t be reached for comment."
Emperor Misha (there's more than just one post, and enjoy the comments to this one).
Bill Quick (also more than one post, visit the main site)
Ace (also more than one post, visit the main site)
Jay Currie and I seem to be on the same page
Darlene Click at Protein Wisdom is a helluva lot nicer than I
Dan Collins is at least 50% nicer than I
Serr8d has a good one
The Other McCain has some thoughts
More if and as I feel like it.
Just saw Pres-Uh-dent Uh-bam-uh on the evening news. Called Chappaquidick Ted one of the greatest Americans. By what fucking standard, President Zerobama? I know you have to lie. Hell, I know you're congenitally incapable of telling the truth, but one of the greatest Americans? Hyperbole ought to have limits. Even if you don't think he was a total piece of shit, there have been wayyyy too many great Americans to mention the Lifeguard in their company.
And City TV news bunny? It's called "News" not "Hagiography for liberal sacks of shit." Ted's dead, you can stop fellating him now.
Good riddance to bad garbage, and 40 years too late.Senator Edward "Teddy the Swimmer" "Drunken Lifeguard" "This Isn't Your Father's Buick" Kennedy has finally begun the eternal celestial dirt nap. Good. Shame it didn't occur 40 years ago.
They say you shouldn't speak ill of the dead. Why the fuck not? The man was a drunken, philandering, murdering, treasonous, freedom hating, freedom destroying, terrorist loving piece of shit, and we are richer for his death. My only regret (other than how overdue his passing really was) is that I cannot take comfort in his eternal roast in hell, as I do not believe such a place exists.
I'm not going to say any more, as others will say it better. I'll simply leave it with Physics Geek's standard Kennedy comment, "Mary Joe Kopechne couldn’t be reached for comment."
Emperor Misha (there's more than just one post, and enjoy the comments to this one).
Bill Quick (also more than one post, visit the main site)
Ace (also more than one post, visit the main site)
Jay Currie and I seem to be on the same page
Darlene Click at Protein Wisdom is a helluva lot nicer than I
Dan Collins is at least 50% nicer than I
Serr8d has a good one
The Other McCain has some thoughts
More if and as I feel like it.
Just saw Pres-Uh-dent Uh-bam-uh on the evening news. Called Chappaquidick Ted one of the greatest Americans. By what fucking standard, President Zerobama? I know you have to lie. Hell, I know you're congenitally incapable of telling the truth, but one of the greatest Americans? Hyperbole ought to have limits. Even if you don't think he was a total piece of shit, there have been wayyyy too many great Americans to mention the Lifeguard in their company.
And City TV news bunny? It's called "News" not "Hagiography for liberal sacks of shit." Ted's dead, you can stop fellating him now.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Why Canada Sucks, Part VI, Multiculturalism
Now, I've been meaning to have a go at multiculturalism for some time, but it took this Globe and Mail poll (thanks to Kathy Schaidle) to kick me into gear.
Now, first question, is multiculturalism something about Canada which sucks, or is it a cause of Canadian suckitude? Mostly the latter, I think. Let's explore.
Before the late, unlamented and never to be sufficiently cursed Pierre f'ing Elliot f'ing Trudeau set out on his one man mission to destroy this country, Canada was a unicultural country. Oh, sure, we payed lip service to being bilingual and bicultural, but let's be serious. On all the major issues of a given day, we pretty much ignored Quebec, and they pretty much ignored us.
WW1? Quebec objected, we went, and had to institute the draft to get Quebecers into uniform. WW2, ditto. Hell, the fascist himself reflected on it in his 1993 memoir with the money quote, "So there was a war on, tough." English Canada was all in on the fight to free Europe. Quebec, not so much. But we went, and dragged them along.
Then along came the French fucker and his cult of personality. So Canada lacked any great distinguishing culture. So we were neither Americans nor British, but, outside of geography, really couldn't say why. That was no goddamned reason to make it official govt policy that, since we had no culture, we'd have every culture.
Why does this matter? Because, dammit, although there may have been little to call Canadian "culture" what we had was the inheritance of the British Empire. A homogenous population, a unifying language, a common history and common assumptions. We had what the multi-culti fantasists dream of; a country where, by and large, differences can be talked away, and even if they cannot be resolved. There is, for example, no resolution between the pro- and anti-abortion crowds, or between the pro- and anti- capital punishment crowds. You fall in one camp or the other, you might even switch camps along the way, but one side or the other gets its wish. You hang Paul Bernardo, or you don't, there is no middle ground. Abortion is legal, or not, there is no middle ground. However, even though one side (and somehow, invariably, it seems to be the Liberal side) gets its way, you don't have riots in the streets.
This is, and I cannot stress this strongly enough, due to our British heritage. A trust society. Peaceful protest. Respect for the Law. Orderly transfer of power. We can make a deal and expect the terms to be fulfilled, without threat of force. We don't have revolutions because "our" people are on the outs. We do NOT shut down the Gardiner Expressway on Mother's Day just because something happened half a world away, and we're pissed off the govt didn't do anything about it.
Don't believe me? If you can't live in Europe, where would you choose to live? Not as a wealthy ex-pat living like a king, but as an immigrant. Pick a country, which has been colonized, and the more peaceful, stable and wealthy it is, the more likely it is to have been an English posession.
So, what did we do in Canada? Elected the late, unlamented and never to be sufficiently cursed Pierre f'ing Elliot f'ing Trudeau(if I should ever have the foul luck to find myself at his gravesite, there will be much pissing and dancing, oh, yes, there will be pissing and dancing galore). Yes, let us let in a flood of immigrants who share none of our heritage. Then, let us tell them that their culture is not just as good as ours, let us tell them it is superior, and that they should keep it. Then, 40 years later, let us wonder at what the hell happened to our country.
Our country is now 66% European descended, and 2% Amerindian. That leave 32% "other". But only 21% think multiculturalism is just peachy. Hmm, even a huge chunk of our immigrant population (minimum, 1/3 give or take) think it sucks. Add in a huge chunk of Liberal white guilt, and I would hazard a guess that most of our immigrant population think that multi-culti nonsense is just that, nonsense.
So why the fuck do we pursue it? Why doesn't that spineless jackass at 24 Sussex Dr. do something to end this expensive, divisive, dangerous, stupid policy? Ha HA, because of how multiculturalism makes Canada suck. It's like health care. Should our "conservative" government attempt the slightest action to slow the flushing of our country down the multi-culti shithole, the Liberals and the media (but I repeat myself) will go ape shit, and the "conservatives" will find themselves out of power again. And, because they're a pack of spineless pukes, holding on to power for its own sake is more important that using power gained to effect positive change.
And am I alone in finding it odd that a huge number of "new" Canadians object to multi-culti nonsense, yet can be relied on to vote Liberal? I mean, many of them came here to escape the kleptocrats in their own countries, so why do they vote for the kleptocrats here? I just don't fucking get it.
By the way, up there I did, indeed, call multiculturalism "dangerous." The vast majority of our immigrants live in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. And not out in the well policed, quiet, middle class or wealthy burbs, but in the diseased cores. Which of these crime ridden pissholes do you want to live in?
Now, first question, is multiculturalism something about Canada which sucks, or is it a cause of Canadian suckitude? Mostly the latter, I think. Let's explore.
Before the late, unlamented and never to be sufficiently cursed Pierre f'ing Elliot f'ing Trudeau set out on his one man mission to destroy this country, Canada was a unicultural country. Oh, sure, we payed lip service to being bilingual and bicultural, but let's be serious. On all the major issues of a given day, we pretty much ignored Quebec, and they pretty much ignored us.
WW1? Quebec objected, we went, and had to institute the draft to get Quebecers into uniform. WW2, ditto. Hell, the fascist himself reflected on it in his 1993 memoir with the money quote, "So there was a war on, tough." English Canada was all in on the fight to free Europe. Quebec, not so much. But we went, and dragged them along.
Then along came the French fucker and his cult of personality. So Canada lacked any great distinguishing culture. So we were neither Americans nor British, but, outside of geography, really couldn't say why. That was no goddamned reason to make it official govt policy that, since we had no culture, we'd have every culture.
Why does this matter? Because, dammit, although there may have been little to call Canadian "culture" what we had was the inheritance of the British Empire. A homogenous population, a unifying language, a common history and common assumptions. We had what the multi-culti fantasists dream of; a country where, by and large, differences can be talked away, and even if they cannot be resolved. There is, for example, no resolution between the pro- and anti-abortion crowds, or between the pro- and anti- capital punishment crowds. You fall in one camp or the other, you might even switch camps along the way, but one side or the other gets its wish. You hang Paul Bernardo, or you don't, there is no middle ground. Abortion is legal, or not, there is no middle ground. However, even though one side (and somehow, invariably, it seems to be the Liberal side) gets its way, you don't have riots in the streets.
This is, and I cannot stress this strongly enough, due to our British heritage. A trust society. Peaceful protest. Respect for the Law. Orderly transfer of power. We can make a deal and expect the terms to be fulfilled, without threat of force. We don't have revolutions because "our" people are on the outs. We do NOT shut down the Gardiner Expressway on Mother's Day just because something happened half a world away, and we're pissed off the govt didn't do anything about it.
Don't believe me? If you can't live in Europe, where would you choose to live? Not as a wealthy ex-pat living like a king, but as an immigrant. Pick a country, which has been colonized, and the more peaceful, stable and wealthy it is, the more likely it is to have been an English posession.
So, what did we do in Canada? Elected the late, unlamented and never to be sufficiently cursed Pierre f'ing Elliot f'ing Trudeau(if I should ever have the foul luck to find myself at his gravesite, there will be much pissing and dancing, oh, yes, there will be pissing and dancing galore). Yes, let us let in a flood of immigrants who share none of our heritage. Then, let us tell them that their culture is not just as good as ours, let us tell them it is superior, and that they should keep it. Then, 40 years later, let us wonder at what the hell happened to our country.
Our country is now 66% European descended, and 2% Amerindian. That leave 32% "other". But only 21% think multiculturalism is just peachy. Hmm, even a huge chunk of our immigrant population (minimum, 1/3 give or take) think it sucks. Add in a huge chunk of Liberal white guilt, and I would hazard a guess that most of our immigrant population think that multi-culti nonsense is just that, nonsense.
So why the fuck do we pursue it? Why doesn't that spineless jackass at 24 Sussex Dr. do something to end this expensive, divisive, dangerous, stupid policy? Ha HA, because of how multiculturalism makes Canada suck. It's like health care. Should our "conservative" government attempt the slightest action to slow the flushing of our country down the multi-culti shithole, the Liberals and the media (but I repeat myself) will go ape shit, and the "conservatives" will find themselves out of power again. And, because they're a pack of spineless pukes, holding on to power for its own sake is more important that using power gained to effect positive change.
And am I alone in finding it odd that a huge number of "new" Canadians object to multi-culti nonsense, yet can be relied on to vote Liberal? I mean, many of them came here to escape the kleptocrats in their own countries, so why do they vote for the kleptocrats here? I just don't fucking get it.
By the way, up there I did, indeed, call multiculturalism "dangerous." The vast majority of our immigrants live in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. And not out in the well policed, quiet, middle class or wealthy burbs, but in the diseased cores. Which of these crime ridden pissholes do you want to live in?
Canada Sucks,
Canadian Politics,
Heavy Metal Monday
I haven't had a good night's sleep in a week, so this week, I've gotta return to Ozzie.
And since I'm not really a "power ballad" kind of guy, as an apology, let's check in with pre-suckage Metallica rendered in the best possible of ways; with a full orchestra for backup.
And since I'm not really a "power ballad" kind of guy, as an apology, let's check in with pre-suckage Metallica rendered in the best possible of ways; with a full orchestra for backup.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Asshole Gets Another Classic Novel Removed from Curriculum
I've been lacking inspiration lately, and posting has reflected it. Fortunately, even in the dog days of summer, eventually some stupid shit is bound to come along and kick me loose from my torpor. This is in honour of said stupid shit.
Said shit for brains hails from Brampton and, concerned about language in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, complained to the school board and had the book removed from the grade 10 curriculum.
When I started this blog, I seemed to be focusing on the "Human Rights" kangaroo kourts, and their efforts to ban speech that people might find offensive. Six months later, here we are again, and I shall proceed with my usual delicate touch.
Yo, fucknuts, what the hell do you think you're doing, banning TKaM? Judas Priest on a pogostick, what are you using for brains, three day old maggot shit? I'm going to try to let you in on a couple of secrets here.
First, the era and area about which Lee was writing were racist, so to capture the flavour of the times, racist language and characters need must be used. Are you so fucking stupid you don't get that?
Second, have you even read the goddamned book? The book itself is a lesson on racism, and the evils inherent therein. Do you not get that, moron? Are you so lost to reason and sanity that, in your world, the use of the word "nigger" in a book automatically puts it beyond the pale?
Guess what, asshole, you haven't done a good thing here. The book is a pulitzer prize winning classic, and all you've done is proven that I've got house plants with better reasoning faculties than you have.
Let me sum up, TKaM is a lesson in the evils of racism. In order to accurately give that lesson, racist language was required. You got that book pulled from the curriculum, preventing your child from (1) reading a great work of art and (2) discussing the lessons therein. You also have taught your child that puling, whinging titty babies can get what they want, if they prey on white guilt, and that wimps and pussies give in.
Nice work, you fascist dickhead.
Said shit for brains hails from Brampton and, concerned about language in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, complained to the school board and had the book removed from the grade 10 curriculum.
When I started this blog, I seemed to be focusing on the "Human Rights" kangaroo kourts, and their efforts to ban speech that people might find offensive. Six months later, here we are again, and I shall proceed with my usual delicate touch.
Yo, fucknuts, what the hell do you think you're doing, banning TKaM? Judas Priest on a pogostick, what are you using for brains, three day old maggot shit? I'm going to try to let you in on a couple of secrets here.
First, the era and area about which Lee was writing were racist, so to capture the flavour of the times, racist language and characters need must be used. Are you so fucking stupid you don't get that?
Second, have you even read the goddamned book? The book itself is a lesson on racism, and the evils inherent therein. Do you not get that, moron? Are you so lost to reason and sanity that, in your world, the use of the word "nigger" in a book automatically puts it beyond the pale?
Guess what, asshole, you haven't done a good thing here. The book is a pulitzer prize winning classic, and all you've done is proven that I've got house plants with better reasoning faculties than you have.
Let me sum up, TKaM is a lesson in the evils of racism. In order to accurately give that lesson, racist language was required. You got that book pulled from the curriculum, preventing your child from (1) reading a great work of art and (2) discussing the lessons therein. You also have taught your child that puling, whinging titty babies can get what they want, if they prey on white guilt, and that wimps and pussies give in.
Nice work, you fascist dickhead.
Heavy Metal Monday
Inspired by the asshole who complained about To Kill a Mockingbird, and the school board assholes who acceded to the demand to have it pulled from the curriculum, I present to you a song whose title tells you the place I'd like to see them all end up.
Unfortunately I couldn't scare up a proper video. Be fun to see this one live.
Unfortunately I couldn't scare up a proper video. Be fun to see this one live.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
A Black Man, A White Man and a Mexican Walk Into a Summit
Hah, you think I'm going there with that lede?
Seems that at a summit of the duly elected leaders of the NAFTA countries, and 0bama, El Presidente Calderon complained to Prime Minister Halfaspine about the new visa rules. To wit, Mexicans now need a visa to visit Canada, where before they didn't.
So what? We're a sovereign sort-of-nation, and if we choose to impose visas on Mexican touristas, that's our business. Don't like it? Well, Felipe, a hearty vete a la mierda. What are you gonna do, impose visas on us? Go ahead, who spends more tourist dollars, Canadians in Mexico, or Mexicans in Canada.
And, BTW, the reason for it is the number of Mexicans who come here as tourists and claim refugee status. Yes, our refugee system is broken beyond repair (the subject of another post), but, if Mexico were a half decent place to live, rather than yet another corrutp, 3rd world shithole, maybe your citizens wouldn't feel the need to cheat their way into Canada.
C'mon, seriously, MEXICANS are fleeing to CANADA. D'you know what the weather is like here? Here's a thought, fix your own POS country rather than complain that we're making it hard for your citizens to flee.
Seems that at a summit of the duly elected leaders of the NAFTA countries, and 0bama, El Presidente Calderon complained to Prime Minister Halfaspine about the new visa rules. To wit, Mexicans now need a visa to visit Canada, where before they didn't.
So what? We're a sovereign sort-of-nation, and if we choose to impose visas on Mexican touristas, that's our business. Don't like it? Well, Felipe, a hearty vete a la mierda. What are you gonna do, impose visas on us? Go ahead, who spends more tourist dollars, Canadians in Mexico, or Mexicans in Canada.
And, BTW, the reason for it is the number of Mexicans who come here as tourists and claim refugee status. Yes, our refugee system is broken beyond repair (the subject of another post), but, if Mexico were a half decent place to live, rather than yet another corrutp, 3rd world shithole, maybe your citizens wouldn't feel the need to cheat their way into Canada.
C'mon, seriously, MEXICANS are fleeing to CANADA. D'you know what the weather is like here? Here's a thought, fix your own POS country rather than complain that we're making it hard for your citizens to flee.
Beautiful Asian Women in Bikinis
Monday, August 10, 2009
Heavy Metal Monday
Well, I've been looking for an excuse to post this. It's a video of the Russian Sukhoi Su30, vectored thrust fighter jet.
With 0bama cutting funding for the F22 and for missile defense, I think that Ozzie said it best...
With 0bama cutting funding for the F22 and for missile defense, I think that Ozzie said it best...
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Why Canada Sucks, Part V, The Wimp Factor
I was going to subtitle part five, The Pussy Factor, but this is the intertubes, and putting "Pussy" in a blog post title is likely to bring in a surfing demographic which is slightly different from the one I'm aiming at here.
I got to thinking about what utter wimps Canadians are this weekend with the story of Kenneth Gladney, who received a beat down from a group of peace loving supporters of St. Hussein of the Holy Hopenchange. Seems that Mr. Gladney had the temerity to hand out "Don't Tread on Me" flags, to those who wanted one, in protest of President Obonehead's plan to destroy the best health care system in the world.
How did this get me to thinking about what a nation of pussies we are? President 0bama told his supporter to "get in their faces," redefined conservatism as terrorism, cozied up to thugs and dictators and set about destroying the America that was. On election night, his "community organizers" patrolled the city precincts to make sure none voted against him. He nationalized the banking industry with a casual "nice bank you have there, shame if something happened to it" attitude. His attitude toward debate with the opposition, "I won."
What was the American citizenry's response? The Tea Party movment. A movement that grew so large, so fast that it is scaring the ever loving shit out of pResident 0bama and his minions. Don't believe me? Believe their actions; accuse the Tea Partiers of astroturfing, exclude them from townhall meetings, arrest them, beat them and when that doesn't work, hold the meetings in secret. The protesters' response? Keep going back for more. You know, non-pussy like, the exact opposite of Canadians.
What about Canadians? We're pussies. The late, unlamented and never to be sufficiently cursed Pierre Fucking Eliot Fucking Trudeau took away capital punishment, replacing it with "life with no chance of parole for 25 years." About 7 picoseconds later some liberal numbnuts in a black robe turned that into, "life equals 25 years," so parole is after 8 1/3. So, in place of the noose, we have 8 years in the pokey. Even Paul fucking Bernardo will be getting parole hearings, starting in 2020 at the latest, and probably in 2010 under the "faint hope" clause. Excuse me, but what the fuck is he doing still partaking in the communal oxygen.
Our response? Even 20 years later, a huge majority of Canadians wanted a return of the noose. So were we out on the streets? Yeah, right. Were we electing a government that would accede to our wishes? Like the Mulroney "Conservatives," who held a "free vote" on it in 1987 (a vote in which all members were free to vote in accord with Mulroney's Catholic conscience). Are you fucking kidding me? We got; 15 years of "capital punishment is state sanctioned murder" propaganda (yes, so what, what is your fucking point) and a flood of immigrants from countries where the "justice system" is a fucking joke. So now the surveys see support for the noose floating between 48 and 52%, and we STILL have never had an honest debate on whether we should, as a nation, execute the scum of the earth.
Pick a hot button issue. Abortion, immigration, "same sex marriage." No matter how large the majority of Canadians on the "wrong" side of the issue, the govt does precisely as it pleases and the response is a few tut tuts, and a heated letter to the editor or two.
Fucking nation of subjects (the subject of an upcoming Why Canada Sucks).
I got to thinking about what utter wimps Canadians are this weekend with the story of Kenneth Gladney, who received a beat down from a group of peace loving supporters of St. Hussein of the Holy Hopenchange. Seems that Mr. Gladney had the temerity to hand out "Don't Tread on Me" flags, to those who wanted one, in protest of President Obonehead's plan to destroy the best health care system in the world.
How did this get me to thinking about what a nation of pussies we are? President 0bama told his supporter to "get in their faces," redefined conservatism as terrorism, cozied up to thugs and dictators and set about destroying the America that was. On election night, his "community organizers" patrolled the city precincts to make sure none voted against him. He nationalized the banking industry with a casual "nice bank you have there, shame if something happened to it" attitude. His attitude toward debate with the opposition, "I won."
What was the American citizenry's response? The Tea Party movment. A movement that grew so large, so fast that it is scaring the ever loving shit out of pResident 0bama and his minions. Don't believe me? Believe their actions; accuse the Tea Partiers of astroturfing, exclude them from townhall meetings, arrest them, beat them and when that doesn't work, hold the meetings in secret. The protesters' response? Keep going back for more. You know, non-pussy like, the exact opposite of Canadians.
What about Canadians? We're pussies. The late, unlamented and never to be sufficiently cursed Pierre Fucking Eliot Fucking Trudeau took away capital punishment, replacing it with "life with no chance of parole for 25 years." About 7 picoseconds later some liberal numbnuts in a black robe turned that into, "life equals 25 years," so parole is after 8 1/3. So, in place of the noose, we have 8 years in the pokey. Even Paul fucking Bernardo will be getting parole hearings, starting in 2020 at the latest, and probably in 2010 under the "faint hope" clause. Excuse me, but what the fuck is he doing still partaking in the communal oxygen.
Our response? Even 20 years later, a huge majority of Canadians wanted a return of the noose. So were we out on the streets? Yeah, right. Were we electing a government that would accede to our wishes? Like the Mulroney "Conservatives," who held a "free vote" on it in 1987 (a vote in which all members were free to vote in accord with Mulroney's Catholic conscience). Are you fucking kidding me? We got; 15 years of "capital punishment is state sanctioned murder" propaganda (yes, so what, what is your fucking point) and a flood of immigrants from countries where the "justice system" is a fucking joke. So now the surveys see support for the noose floating between 48 and 52%, and we STILL have never had an honest debate on whether we should, as a nation, execute the scum of the earth.
Pick a hot button issue. Abortion, immigration, "same sex marriage." No matter how large the majority of Canadians on the "wrong" side of the issue, the govt does precisely as it pleases and the response is a few tut tuts, and a heated letter to the editor or two.
Fucking nation of subjects (the subject of an upcoming Why Canada Sucks).
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Organic Food, To Eat or Not to Eat
Today one of the local talkers was revisiting a British study which concluded that "organically grown" food is nutritionally no better than conventionally grown food. Approximately 3 femtoseconds after the news hit the airwaves the hippies' spin hit approximately 6 quadrillion rpm.
"But, but, but, it's not about the nutritional content, which is really higher, no matter what your studies say, it's really about saving Holy Mother Gaia. Pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, carbon footprint, sustainable living, blah, blah, blah."
As I often say, where to begin?
Since we're suffering through the coldest, wettest "summer" since, if memory serves, 1992, let's start with carbon footprint, shall we? And where do we begin with that? How about this, GLOBAL WARMING IS A CROCK OF SHIT, BONEHEADS. Don't believe me? Go here, or read this or just ponder the following:
In the 70's the scare mongers had us entering a new ice age, in the 90's and early 00's they switched to catastrophic warming, and when the data from the last decade came in, showing a decline in temperatures, they switched to "climate change." Not one computer model predicted a decade of cooling wiping out a century's warming, not one computer model can come up with today's temperatures from yesterday's data, hell, no weatherman will predict more than a week out, yet the Warm Mongers want us to just take their word that man is fucking up the climate. Piss on them.
Still, they want us to believe that organic farming is going to save the planet by reducing our carbon footprint. Now, since the planet is cooling, it's kind of hard to sell me on the whole planet warming up thing, but, for the sake of argument, let's say ManBearPig is really coming. So what?
This is Canada, with the four seasons of June, July, August and hockey. I should give a shit that the planet warms up a couple of degrees and cuts a month out of hockey season? Don't we have indoor rinks for just such an emergency?
Seriously, most of Canada is uninhabitable, and non-arable, because of the cold. Warmer weather means more arable land, and better crop yields. It also means a shorter, warmer winter with less energy needed to heat our homes? Hmm, more food, so food prices go down, less heating so energy costs go down, and fishing season gets longer. Where's the downside? Seriously. Where's the fucking downside. In fact, if CO2 really is warming up the planet, I think it is every Canadian's patriotic duty to get out there, buy a Hummer, and run it 24/7.
On to chemical fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides and fungicides. Who needs 'em? We do. Think crop yields per man hour. Who are the ultimate organic farmers around here? The Mennonites and the Hamish. Their yields are lower, and the farming is labour intensive. Why do you think that organic food costs so bloody much? More labour, less yield.
Oh, and on the topic of herbicides, how do you clear a field of weeds? Burn it. Holy Mother Gaia might die from all the carbon released. And it's not real good for soil retension, you know, vapourizing it.
And those pesticides? Aside from increasing crop yields, do you really want bugs in your dinner? I don't. Kill the little fuckers.
The fungicides? See above, swapping mold for bugs.
And about their "organic" fertilizer. Know where that comes from? The south bound end of a north bound animal. Know what comes out with it? Methane. Guess what is a 20 times more powerful a greenhouse gas than CO2. Go on, guess. Starts with "meth," ends with "ane."
Hey, I know, let's all go veggie, kill all the pigs, cows and horses (also known as "sources of organic fertilizer"), lower our crop yields even more, lose a bunch of weight, get sick, and then, when global cooling takes 'hold, we can all freeze and die. That'll help Holy Mother Gaia.
You want to buy organically grown food? Fine, go ahead, it's your money, and I'm not the guy who is going to tell you how to spend your hard earned dollars. But, since there are no real benefits, and a whole bunch of drawbacks to organic farming, I think I'll just sit back, and laugh at you. And spend the money I save on a nice, juicy, feedlot grown, finished with corn from standard farming , 16 oz steak.
I hate hippies.
"But, but, but, it's not about the nutritional content, which is really higher, no matter what your studies say, it's really about saving Holy Mother Gaia. Pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, carbon footprint, sustainable living, blah, blah, blah."
As I often say, where to begin?
Since we're suffering through the coldest, wettest "summer" since, if memory serves, 1992, let's start with carbon footprint, shall we? And where do we begin with that? How about this, GLOBAL WARMING IS A CROCK OF SHIT, BONEHEADS. Don't believe me? Go here, or read this or just ponder the following:
In the 70's the scare mongers had us entering a new ice age, in the 90's and early 00's they switched to catastrophic warming, and when the data from the last decade came in, showing a decline in temperatures, they switched to "climate change." Not one computer model predicted a decade of cooling wiping out a century's warming, not one computer model can come up with today's temperatures from yesterday's data, hell, no weatherman will predict more than a week out, yet the Warm Mongers want us to just take their word that man is fucking up the climate. Piss on them.
Still, they want us to believe that organic farming is going to save the planet by reducing our carbon footprint. Now, since the planet is cooling, it's kind of hard to sell me on the whole planet warming up thing, but, for the sake of argument, let's say ManBearPig is really coming. So what?
This is Canada, with the four seasons of June, July, August and hockey. I should give a shit that the planet warms up a couple of degrees and cuts a month out of hockey season? Don't we have indoor rinks for just such an emergency?
Seriously, most of Canada is uninhabitable, and non-arable, because of the cold. Warmer weather means more arable land, and better crop yields. It also means a shorter, warmer winter with less energy needed to heat our homes? Hmm, more food, so food prices go down, less heating so energy costs go down, and fishing season gets longer. Where's the downside? Seriously. Where's the fucking downside. In fact, if CO2 really is warming up the planet, I think it is every Canadian's patriotic duty to get out there, buy a Hummer, and run it 24/7.
On to chemical fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides and fungicides. Who needs 'em? We do. Think crop yields per man hour. Who are the ultimate organic farmers around here? The Mennonites and the Hamish. Their yields are lower, and the farming is labour intensive. Why do you think that organic food costs so bloody much? More labour, less yield.
Oh, and on the topic of herbicides, how do you clear a field of weeds? Burn it. Holy Mother Gaia might die from all the carbon released. And it's not real good for soil retension, you know, vapourizing it.
And those pesticides? Aside from increasing crop yields, do you really want bugs in your dinner? I don't. Kill the little fuckers.
The fungicides? See above, swapping mold for bugs.
And about their "organic" fertilizer. Know where that comes from? The south bound end of a north bound animal. Know what comes out with it? Methane. Guess what is a 20 times more powerful a greenhouse gas than CO2. Go on, guess. Starts with "meth," ends with "ane."
Hey, I know, let's all go veggie, kill all the pigs, cows and horses (also known as "sources of organic fertilizer"), lower our crop yields even more, lose a bunch of weight, get sick, and then, when global cooling takes 'hold, we can all freeze and die. That'll help Holy Mother Gaia.
You want to buy organically grown food? Fine, go ahead, it's your money, and I'm not the guy who is going to tell you how to spend your hard earned dollars. But, since there are no real benefits, and a whole bunch of drawbacks to organic farming, I think I'll just sit back, and laugh at you. And spend the money I save on a nice, juicy, feedlot grown, finished with corn from standard farming , 16 oz steak.
I hate hippies.
Global Warming,
Organic Food
Monday, August 3, 2009
Heavy Metal Monday
When I was in Beijing a few years back, I met a young man, oddlyenough from Israel, who was far more of a head banger than I am, or ever could be. In getting me somewhat back into the metal scene, he introduced me to a number of bands, including Savatage. Of late, I've had a hankering to hear the Thorazine Shuffle.
YouTube didn't have a video of Savatage performing it. Instead here is frontman Jon Oliva live at Bourbon St.
YouTube didn't have a video of Savatage performing it. Instead here is frontman Jon Oliva live at Bourbon St.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Separation Anxiety
Well, the Mrs. is off to the big city for a spa day with her sister. This would not normally be of note, she's gone haring off to spend time with sis many a time. The difference, on this occasion, is that she left The Boy with Daddy.
The original intent was that she'd overnight with sis. So Daddy suggested that he'd take The Boy to visit Daddy's parents at their cottage. Hoo, boy, not a good idea. Separation anxiety reared it's ugly head. The plan changed to a day trip, with the potential for an overnight, provided Daddy sends regular email updates, as we pass each milestone...snacks, meals, naps etc., and provided that being away from The Boy does not give Mummy anxiety attacks.
As Drudge say, developing...
The original intent was that she'd overnight with sis. So Daddy suggested that he'd take The Boy to visit Daddy's parents at their cottage. Hoo, boy, not a good idea. Separation anxiety reared it's ugly head. The plan changed to a day trip, with the potential for an overnight, provided Daddy sends regular email updates, as we pass each milestone...snacks, meals, naps etc., and provided that being away from The Boy does not give Mummy anxiety attacks.
As Drudge say, developing...
Asian Women in Bikinis
Well, perusing my sitemeter report, it seems that I got a spike in traffic this week. I'm gonna have to put that down to Stacy's bikini contest and the bevy of Asian beauties I posted. So, I guess I'll give the people what they want...beautiful Asian women in bikinis.
Miss Korea 2006, Honey Lee. Yes, I know I posted her in that same suit during the bikini contest, but, DAMN.

Haruna Yabuki, Japanese bikini model.

And Yuko Aoki, (bonus, large breasted) Japanese bikini model.

Now that I've got your attention, pull up a chair and set a spell.
Miss Korea 2006, Honey Lee. Yes, I know I posted her in that same suit during the bikini contest, but, DAMN.

Haruna Yabuki, Japanese bikini model.

And Yuko Aoki, (bonus, large breasted) Japanese bikini model.

Now that I've got your attention, pull up a chair and set a spell.
9 Indicators of Long Life
Found at Yahoo news, 9 indicators of long life. I'm going to have to give Mrs. Fulminandrew the bad news, call me 9 for 9. I can't help but think, though, that genetics must have a certain amount of play, here. I'd be interested to know what the age distribution of the parents of the men in the study was.
For more on aging, and living, well, look for Younger Next Year by Crowley and Lodge. Or their website.
There are also You: The Owner's Manual and You: Staying Young, by Roizen and Oz, Oz being Oprah's Dr.Oz.
For more on aging, and living, well, look for Younger Next Year by Crowley and Lodge. Or their website.
There are also You: The Owner's Manual and You: Staying Young, by Roizen and Oz, Oz being Oprah's Dr.Oz.
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