Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tamils Just Love to Miss an Opportunity

Via Kate

Okay, I seem to be stuck with opining on this topic (see here and here), probably since the Tamils have been pissing me off for 25 years. Short version of why...illegally come ashore in the Maritimes, hop in a cab and tell the driver, destination, Toronto. Aaarrrggghhh. Fast forward to yesterday.

Now they're in Ottawa protesting the usual. Seems they want intervention in the Ceylonian refugee camps. Umm, by whom? Are they asking us, Canada, to invade? Sorry, we're Canadian "soft-power" pussies, and what few combat effective troops we have are busy in Afghanistan.

Not asking us to invade? Want the UN involved? First, why do you want the Blue Helmet brigade raping your 8 year olds? Second, do you honestly think Canada can stir the U(seless) N(itwits) into action?

Further down in the linked article one Sahabthan Jesuthasan said, in justification of the bringing out of the Tiger flags:
We were let down by the Canadian government. They asked us to put the flags down, and we did. We have no faith because no one came out to speak to us. We felt neglected.
Okay, if I read this right, because the govt did not drop its business and come right on out to talk to you, you switched from Tamil protest to Tamil Tiger protest. You are aware that the Tigers are a banned terrorist organization? And that would make membership a crime?

Also, I think it's worth pointing out that the very second a group of "peaceful" protesters didn't get what it wanted, it immediately, and with malice aforethought, pulled out the terrorist flags. Learned the lessons of Mayor Moron and Premier McDipshit pretty well there, didn't you? Too bad the rest of this spineless, balless country won't learn its lesson and tell you to kindly fuck off, will it?

So, in closing, since arrest and deportation is un-Canadian (rolling over like a bunch of pussies...that's the Canadian way), and since you don't want to get with the whole, "leave your shit in the mother country" program, and since you seem so much more worried about events in the toilet you escaped, rAthan what your behaviour might do the not completely fucked up country you escaped to, might I ask you to kindly go the fuck back? You know, since we've hurt your feelings so badly.

And, since the Tamils seem to have been pretty much defeated in Ceylon, can we get those Tigers that are here gone, and prevent any more from arriving? And can we do this before their habit of exporting their shit (Rajiv Ghandi assassination) leads to suicide bombings in Toronto or Ottawa?

1 comment:

  1. My name is Sahabthan Jesuthasan,

    Let me set this up for you, before you tell me to go back to my fucking country.

    I was born and raised in Canada. I am a student at York University, and will be entering Ossgoode Law School. I have never been to Sri Lanka.

    The Tamil Tiger flag as you call it, is not the flag of the LTTE. It is the flag of our national Home land, that successive Sri lankan governments have taken over. The tiger has been a national symbol for thousands years and to ask the Tamil people to put down their identity is absurd. Its like asking the Canadian Government to put down their beaver because a banned organization is using a beaver in their flag. It is completely absurd to tell people how to identify themselves. Like the swastika symbol, should Hindus stop recognizing it because hilter used it? Its like telling them how to walk, how to dress, what to learn, how to talk.

    Tamils have embraced the cause, not the organization. The cause is the right to self determination, and an Independent homeland of Tamil Eelam. And the flag represents that.

    At the first protest in front of Parliament Mid-april. Members of Parliament, promised lobbyist, that they would come out and speak to the crowd if the Tamil community put down their identity. Civilians needed to be saved, we put down our flags, no one came. The Promise was broken. After protesting for more than 6 months, the only time a member of Parliament came out, actually let me re phrase that, the only time and MMP came out was in Queens Park a week ago. After countless petitions, after countless hours, no one seems to care. Thats why we feel neglected.

    I Am Canadian, and I was born here, so i guess when you say im an asshole ..and for me to go back to my country. What I say in response to that, and on behalf of the 300,000 Tamil Canadians strong, I am at home. And when someone at home doesn't listen to me, I will continue to yell until someone does. Be careful, you have just awoken the sleeping giant in the Tamil Community, be prepared to see a big change.
