Thursday, June 4, 2009

Mr Obama Goes to Cairo

Okay, so President Oboner and his teleprompter band went to Cairo. Stop me if you've heard this one.

According to Christine "Sticky Thongs" Amanpour, it was the most important foreign relations speech of his administration. Judas Priest on a pogo stick, he's only been president for 4 months, and besides that, how many "most important...speeches" is the teleprompter kid going to make? It seems that, since he got the nomination, every speech he made is the most important speech in the history of oratory. Would that Shakespeare got press like this. If he had, maybe he'd be recalled as one of the great wordsmiths of all time. Oh, wait...

Anyway, once again the topic of Obimbo and his great oratorical skill comes up. This time he got standing o's (and not just from Chris Matthews, and those were standing Big O's, anyway) and amazed the audience with his honesty and sincerity.

Okay, two things there; his great speaking skills, and his honesty and sincerity.

First, every time someone tells me what a great speaker he is, or what a great speech he made, I say the same thing, "Quote him" or "Qutoe something from it."

I'm Canadian, and I can give you chunks of Lincoln, Kennedy (the president, not the Chappaquiddick lifeguard), Reagan. You know, actual great orators. I can even recall pieces of Roosevelt (the 2nd, commie, one, not the first, fascist one) Nixon, Carter and BJ Clinton; not great orators, but notorious in their own rights.

But Puh-resident Uh-bama? His speeches are like candy floss. Pretty, fluffy, totally lacking substance and gone the moment you bite into them. And delivered to you by a second rate carnival barker. The man is not a great orator. Read five words...pause...turn to other five words...pause...lather, rinse, repeat. I say again, NOT. A. GREAT. ORATOR. Just catch him without his telebinkie.

As to wowing the audience? He went to Cairo and pissed on the USA. Something about the power of "soft power." Which there ain't no such thing, otherwise Canada, where the idiotic phrase either originated, or was perfected under Chretien's Foreign Affairs Minister (whose name escapes me) would be a major world player, rather than a whiny little punk hiding behind big jock brother. But that's a different fulmination...hmm I sense a "Why Canada Sucks" posting topic.

Where was I? Oh, yeah, Obama goes to the Muslim world, pisses on the US, and Bush, and a captive audience applauds his "honesty and sincerity." Shit, do these jounalistic hacks actually believe this garbage?

Honest? He's a corrupt Chicago ward heeler who oozed his way to the top spot in the machine. He got elected by getting his opponents kicked off the ballot, and running either unnopposed, or against the second or third stringer, brought in late in the game. When he finally hit the big time and had an actual opponent, the MSM picked his opponent for him, ran interference the whole way, under electoral conditions that, on their own, should have guaranteed a Democrat victory, and STILL he only managed 52% of the vote.

Sincere? Okay, I'll give you that. He probably is, unlike Clinton, a truly great liar. Clinton is not a great liar. He is an habitual liar, but not a great one. Great liars are believed, and no one, especially not BJ himself, believed him. OTOH, Obummer, IS a great liar, although I don't know why.

It might be that he believes his own lies. He could simply better at faking sincerity. Or, through a combination of MSM propaganda and audience self-hypnosis, his bullshit is taken at face value. Or some combination of the above. Or, hell, it could be something completely else.

We're what, 140 days into this administration? It's gonna be a loooonnnggg 4 years.

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