Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mexanadian Border

Via Drew M. at Ace of Spades, it seems that Janet Napolitano, fresh from first labeling anyone who expresses policy differences with the Obama administration a terrorist, and then doubling down, has now stated that the 9-11 hijackers came to the USA through Canada.

MSM story debunking the lie in 3...2...1...

I'm waiting.

Well, while we wait, an observation.

While the Trudeaupian theory of foreign relations (America=evil, murderous commies=good) has great cachet among the Canadian public, it only holds sway as government policy when the kleptocrats are in charge. While the "conservative" squishes have now moved into policy territory once wholly owned and operated by the Thief Party, they still posess the maturity and sanity not to get caught on an open mike boasting about how much fun it is to poke Uncle Sam in the eye. You know, enough for the rubes who vote for the Corrupt Party, but not enough for him to actually do anything about it.

Now we have this in reverse. The Secretary for Homeland Security has made it official policy that the Canadian border is as dangerous as the Mexican border.

Really, it's true. The Canadian army is regularly entering American territory under arms. Oh, wait a minute, that would be the Mexican army.

Hey MSM, about that debunking. I'm still waiting.


Now dickhead McCain is defending Napolitano's idiotic assertion.

Is there truly anyone, at least anyone on the right, out there who honestly thinks that a McCain administration would have been fundamentally different from the Uh-Bama train wreck?

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