Thursday, April 23, 2009

Earth Frickin Day

How did I celebrate earth frickin' day? I didn't.

I've hated earth day since the hippies in my high school class started annoying me about it. As a natural born contrarian, I found myself suspicious of anything which was that heavily hyped by the Hollywood half-wit brigade. That was many moons ago, before technology and the repeal of the American "Fairness Doctrine" allowed those of us not on the lunatic left a voice in the mass media, and my instincts turned out to be right on the money.

A brief history of earth day here. If, through some bizarre happenstance, someone is actually reading this, the linked essay is by Kathy Schaidle (home blog here). She actually gets paid to write, so head on over the the first link, since she gets paid by the click.

Short version, one group of hippies wanted to create a new holiday on the first day of spring. Another group of hippies hijacked the idea and dropped it on Lenin's birthday. Whoopee, let's use the birthday of the founder of one of man's most murderous, anti-human empires, to celebrate the murderous, anti-human agenda of the neo-Malthusian left.

Or not.


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